Monday, February 11, 2008

waiting for you is like waiting for rain in the drought..

haha. ok so since I'm tired of waiting for him to sign on.. I'm just gonna post about that later.
Right now I have something else on my mind. So my friend likes one of my other friends, and
she's been getting me to find out who he likes for her. Well I've been doing this for like a
month. then today I told him that I would tell him who likes him if he tells me who he likes..
so I ask him a bunch of questions and one of them was "is she popular?" and he was like "um idk.. they're _________ and _________." and
neither of them were the one who was trying to figure out if he likes her. So I already felt bad about it.. Then he said "ok so who likes me?" and I 
him that it's neither of them. but he really wanted to know. I begged her to let me tell him.
but she said no. and he told me if i didn't tell him he would never tell me again! So i felt REALLY BAD.
Then she finially said i could tell him tomorrow.. then when she signed off. and i told him and he was
like "ok.." then I told her to just block him and she did and I finially got to tell him and i felt so much
better.. Then he was like "omg i already knew that" :| WHAT? All of this and you already knew?
wtf is that? lmao. so now we're all good again. and I know his middle name :) lmfao.. well that is
before I changed it!! aww that's great! haha. so I feel better.. for now that is.. until i talk to 
they guy i like. :S.. but I'll worry about that later.
oh and on a side note: I was talking to Joe Jonas (well might be him.. who knows) and nick said hi.
and now I'm talking to Selena Gomez (if it's really her) but she went on web cam for me to show me her
and her friend's handshake from when they were 8 lol.
-xo Laura


beccabrownxo said...

you really beleve it the acctually them lol,wow your im a real pickle lol,you have not just your own love issues but your also trying to be cupid good luck with that (he he he)-rebecca

laura xo said...

well idk if i think it's them.. it might be.. but probably not lol. and yea. I'm sick of it being me. I think it's cool to have one of my friens in the same situation as me. then i can give her advice and she can give me some :)