Friday, February 8, 2008

& the knots in her stomach never seem to go away..

Hey guys! so yesterday was a snowday. I know, we should have been happy, but no. Not many people were. Yesterday was supposed to be Electives. I was supposed to go to circus school, and I was so stoaked! I was pissed when I found out it was a snowday! But I didn't have a bad day. I payed with my new cell! I thought that yesterday would be one day that I wouldn't think about my crush.... ok, so I was wrong... But w.e. I'm still waiting to find out if he likes me... and I'm so confussed about it all!! Ok, so on to today. We had a suply for drama and science. And she was an idiot! ok, so in drama we also have D.V.P.A. So when we were moving our desks out of the way apparently we were 'too loud' so the principal came down to our class to cancel D.V.P.A. Then we had to do this thing for drama... and she totally didn' explain it to us and so we didn't get it. like we had to make a scene from this script we got, but it was so dirty! especially with three people lmfao! but we had fun! 
In french two of my friends were fighting so much. it was so funny. and 
when i got bored I drew emo love!! If you haven't seen it I'll show you if you want! In science the work was really easy and me and the friend i sit next to finished quickly and we were playing arround with the microscpe. Then, Finially it was recess and I gave my friend my old cell. And it wasn't even 10 minutes till she got it taken away! haha, i had mine with me for the first three periods. Me and two of my friends also did Zap. The guy friend that played with us was "I'm a horrible hoe." My Girl friend who played was "You hoe!" and I was "you bitch!" haha. if you don't know what zap is, it's this game where you write 'zap' on some one's had along with something that they have to say, then every time you say their name they have to say it! Ok, well anyway, at lunch i mostly hung out with one of my bestfriends, but we also hung out with the guy i like, and it was weird :S... and I had like major butterflies. it wasn't fun!! Luckily we were running arround so much that (i hope) 
no one really noticed!! well after school i found out that something is wrong with my cell and i have to get a new one :( and I can't text till I do!! Well I have to go now.
-xo Laura