Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Let's just get this over, you and the only person who can make this less akward.

Ok, I was happy when I didn't have to have this akward conversation with him.. but it seems that everytime
he's on, the only person who will actually start the conversation is always away or something like that. I kinda
don't want this conversation to happen... but I don't want it to not happen.. does that make sence? If so,
you must really understand me.. or you've been in the same situation. If not, I'll explain..

Imagin if you will, you are a thirteen-year-old grade 8 girl. You are not one of the biggest losers in the the
school, but you're not popualr either. You are somewhere in the middle. You don't want to be popular, but
you don't hate the people who are. You have great friends and you love your life. Then at your friend's going
away party, you find out that a popular grade 7 thinks you're pretty. you have never thoght that way about
him before, in fact, you never really thought much about him before. you think 
it's kinda cool, but don't think much about it. ok, now let's fast forward about a month. You realize that you have feelings for this guy. You don't know
what made this happen. you don't know why suddenly you feel this way, all you know is that you do. The next
day you tell two of your closest friends, because you know that you can trust them. Later that night after an
after school club that you go to, you tell another one of your friends that you like him. The next day the same
two people who told you that this boy thinks you are pretty a month ago told you that he likes you. You are
happy. But you aren't thinking right. you think it would be cool if you told them that you like him too knowing
that they would tell him imediatly. you don't want to tell them, so you let some of your friends do it for you.
but you start thinking, What if they lied, who else would find out, why is this a good idea? you look around
the corner. you see him with his friends. you decide this isn't a good idea. you tell your friends not to say a
word. one listens, the other doesn't. she says it really loudly. you look around the corner at him and you see
him turn. you think he heard it. he catches your eye. you look away. you look back to the popular girls. they
look at eachother. you see in their eyes that in only a matter of hours everyone would know. You are scared
now. They turn back to you and ask if you really like him. It's too late. you can't lie now. It's over. Let's fast
forward about 2 weeks. you know that he knows. It's so obvious. But just incase one of your friends tells you
that they would ask him is he knows that you like him. he does. Then she asks him if he likes you. he says
no. you try to get over him, but it just doesn't work. fast forward about another week. you tell your friend
that you still like him a lot. He seems to be everywhere you look. Even helping in your classes. Your friends
tells you that he probably lied to her. Now you don't know if he likes you or not. You and your friend both think that you and him need to talk, but you
are 13. you're chickening out so your friend offers to be in the conversation too. One day you realize that it
has to happen. you even want it to.. but it has been put off for like 4 days. you start getting frustrated. you
know that this is going to be akward but you have to know how he feels. But you don't want to hear that he
doesn't like you back.

What a delema. What do you do? How do you make this work? How do you get
them both on at the same time?
I'll let you know when this happens.
-xo Laura


Emaleaxo said...

omg ur wa to complicated! i udnno remeber when we had the convo with the guy i like thats why i added u and anne cuz it was less awakard lmao il ove u laura jsut stop likeing him and everything will be ok lol talk to me tmr i will try to help u more.

beccabrownxo said...

lifes not prefect srry , well everthing happens for a reason , good luck -rebecca