Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Even with the blood rushing through my veins, i still don't feel fully alive.

Ok, this is just a quick blog before bed. Today was weird. my friend who sits with me wasn't there today so i sat alone for science :(. Oh well. We didn't even do much, we watched this video and did this work sheet. It was really easy. In gym we started floor hockey.. it was weird, but i was actually good! I wish we started this before sign ups for intermurals! I totally would have signed up! But with my luck I'd get stuck with a stupid teacher! Or stuck on his team! Well since you brought it up... lol. Ok, it was before science (first period) started. My friends were talking to me and i was off in la la land looking out the door. His class was walking past on their way to music and I saw a bunch of people, and I totally didn't even realize that soon he would pass too. Well he did (obviously)  and I was still staring when he did, and he was looking too. And yet again I looked away first, only it was much faster then the last time! lol. I saw him and it was like everything went all slow motion, you know, like in the movies, then I realized i was probably really red, so I looked away! Not a lot else happened today. Girls inc! It was funny, but nothing 'blog worthy' as one of my friends calls it! Oh another thing happened. I got back my french test and i got 11/20 :O and I asked my teacher if I was failing and he said no, but I could try harder, then he said that I was stupid for taking gifted french next year! like wtf?! I just don't get how you can memorize like 100 verbs! Then in math class these two really annoying grade 7s were trying to get me to wave at them the whole period and like I'm already PMS-ing then I almost fail a french test. I just so wasn't in the mood for them! I almost told them to f**k off! Today wasn't really a good day for me! But things are looking up for tomorrow! I have math in the normal class! good for two reasons! No grade 7s pissing me off, and I get to hang out with my other friends :)!
-xo Laura


Emaleaxo said...

yay math with you but we a have mr.davids:S pefect another class down the drain no learning yay fun fun! i feel bad for u maybe i cud help u woth ur french cuz yea i am not gunna say anything. well bye g2g bye love u lmao!

beccabrownxo said...

lol ,wow math was horrible ,but funny lol ,gotta love supply teachers , even is my ex#1 does shove things down his pants EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!! lol -rebecca