Monday, February 18, 2008

ok, there is a story behind why I'm posting this..

ok so as I'm sure you know, I have myspace, and you can blog on there, but I'm deleting all of my blogs,
but I just love this and I don't want to loose it! I posted it in September just so you know..

There are a lot of people out there that would make a friend 5 times better
than you, but i wouldn't give you up for any of them!

-you know me so well you could write a book about me, and wouldn't leave any of the bad stuff. And then
people can stop the roumors.

-I can always count on you to come up with a new way to make my life at school miserable. And that makes
me look forward to the future much more that i alread do.

-sometimes you are so unbearable, annoying, mean or truley horriable you make me want to scream. And
then we have something to talk about for the next 60 years.

-I have so many reasons to hate you . And that's what makes it intreasing.

-I'm always happy when the other kids make you miserable. And then I feel special because I'm the only
one you'll talk to.

-You always steal my camera. And then you take that breath taking picture I've been trying to get
for ages.

-you will bring me somewhere with one of my biggest frears. And then you tell me the only thing to fear
is fear it's self.

-whenever I have to talk to someone, I always have to think about everyone that I concider telling first,
except for one person. You, I can tell you anything and never regret it!

Rome wasn't built in a day and our friendship is still growing,
after almost 4 years. Everything horrible we do to eachother
is always for the greater good. I love you like family, and this
year apart is killing me! But as long as we go thew it one day
at a time it'll go by like nothing!

You always remember quotes by thoes who love, lothe and admire. And
trust me, I quote you all the time!

Now even though the person who this is about doesn't have myspace, I wanted
you, my readers (if I even have them) to know, and if you know my friends,
guess who it's about, even if you can't still comment and show your love!

No Worries, I'm going to post again tonight.
-xo Laura


Emaleaxo said...

are you deleting this blog? i am confused! :S:S:S

Emaleaxo said...

oh and are u talking about G**** (i dont want to give it away) i will tell u on msn.

laura xo said...

no. I'm deleting my blogs on myspace.. but not my myspace. just the blogs.

beccabrownxo said...

aww thats soo sweet is that person our posting about G***n?