Monday, February 4, 2008

the note

oh shit I think I like him..
This is what the note started with. Alright, I'll fill you in a little bit. Last night I had another dream. I don't really remember it, but all I know is that something made me like him again. Then today he came into the art room when our class was there. I think i started blushing cause he looked at me an smiled so i covered my cheeks, but i think that made it worse. I think he knows.. I started writing my friend a note. She told me that I might be meant to like him, but he told her that he didn't like me.. so what's the point. Then she told me that he might have lied to her and that he wouldn't admit it to her. So she's going to ask his bestfriend. Then at recess I was telling one of my other friends about how i was blushing like mad when he came in the room, and she said i was turning red then too. When we went outside my friend who i wrote the note to was leading me towards him, but i wouldn't let her. At lunch I went to the art club.. even though I'm going to quit soon. but I really had to study for my geography test, and I wouldn't have to see him. So I took a practice test.. and failed, haha, but i decided not to study much more, and some of my friends helped me with the answers. Near the end me and my friends were showing some of our guy friends our paper mache duck, when some of the more popular guys started comming over. Him included. He looked me in the eyes and I thought it was sweet... until I noticed that I was blushing again!! He was just smiling at me and I quickly got off the window seat and practically ran to the other side of the art room.. At the end of the day, once again, our eyes met and I was blushing. I hope tomorrow I can avoid him as much as possibe.!
Can you find out for me?
I'll try
That is what the note ended with..
-xo Laura


Emaleaxo said...

yay! i was talked about in this post! lmao atleast it was a good thing! lmao!