Monday, February 18, 2008

Oh My God.. Some one set me straight!!

If you are keeping track, I like a boy, and I have been trying to have this conversation with him that I
know is going to be very akward, but it has to happen.! All I need is for me, him and one other person
to be on MSN at the same time.. so that has only happened twice since we've been trying to get this
conversation started. once a while ago, but it didn't happen because I chickened out! And once (or maybe
twice) yesterday. but It didn't happen because my friend was too stressed already to have to deal with
this too. I am really getting tired of this. There are plenty of times where me and him are on msn at the
same time! But I don't think I can start it! And he doesn't even know that we are planing this! And there
is no way in hell that we are going to do this in person! But this is really getting old. I think I'm going to
give it like a week.. then I'm just gonna start it.. wow.. I can't beleive I even said that!! Well I guess
that now I have to keep that prommis.. and on top of that one I'm also going to prommis that I will NOT
chicken out!! Wow, this is going to be really weird.. I know it sounds so weird comming from me of all 
people... but I think that this might be more than just a crush.. I mean with other poeple I've liked It's been easy to talk to them, and I would always say
that they are 'so hot!' or something equally lame.. but with him it's different. When ever I see 
him sign on msn I get butterflies and I feel sick.. but in a good way.. and going on about how
hot he is just isn't someting I'd do with him.. It's a weird feeling.. but I know it's not love. I mean it
can't be. Could you even know this soon? No! That's rediculious! How could I even think that.. ? But say I was thinking that.. is
it possible ? could you have that feeling.. before you were even dating? No! You can't.. right? Oh god!
Now I'm so confussed! Please, someone tell me I'm going crazy!!
-xo Laura


beccabrownxo said...

laura laura laura your not going crazy you just like him alot and mabye it is love? who knows ? well good luck with the whole convo stuff see u at school-rebecca

Emaleaxo said...

heey! omg some of this i can connect beucase i sorta feel the same way about my crush. and u r not going crazy so relax.