Friday, February 8, 2008

story of my life..

I just made myself really depressed.. I was looking at all of my old pictures.. then i decided to look at my old piczo site.... then my friend's.... then another. Then finially I just couldn't take it anymore. When did everything start changing? Why did it change? Why can't things be like they used to be? I hate how everything is changing, and I'm just left behind in the rubble that used to be commonly remembered memories..
I guess you could say that this all started in french class. me and my friend noticed how one of our friends has changed, and we're both kinda pissed at him.. Then on facebook one of my friends posted pics from grade 7 at her school, so i decided to look at the ones i took last year. and then I got depressed. I liked how everything used to be. But at the same time i hate what i used to do. I admit it, i used to start stuff to cause fights between my friends and I feel horrible about it now. So I'm so sorry to everyone that I have ever messed with. But I'm also sorry that I don't want to forget the past. I know that looking back isn't what I'm into, but right now, i know why. But I think everyone has to except it one day or another. That eveything, everyone is changing. and you might not be ready for it, but it's going to happen. And with me not going to high school with the same people next year, a lot is going to change. Yea, I hate it! But let's face it. it's enevdiable! I don't want to forget, but I'm going to. I want to go back, but I can't. And most of all, I want things to stop changing, but they wont. I always knew that this day would come, but I didn't want it to be so soon. I'm just not ready to let go. And I wish everyone would understand, but I know they wouldn't..
I know that every good director has a breakthough... but I always hoped that mine would be a lot happier..
-xo Laura


beccabrownxo said...
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beccabrownxo said...

laura , wow , what can i say well all of my life i've been moving around from place to place and i've never met so many nice and funny people , you guys rock ! + i've never heard somthing so beatuiful like that im my intire life , u should be a writer, your really good -rebecca

laura xo said...

Thanks Rebecca. that's really sweet. and I do want to be a writer one day.

Emaleaxo said...

wow! whoa! thats all i can say

beccabrownxo said...

check out my new blog and post a comment plz!