Wednesday, April 2, 2008

&& I'll be everything that i wanna be and that won't change for anyone!!

ok sorry about not posting last night. i was swamped with homework! ok so I'll skip the not that important stuff and go right to the good stuff! so it was tuesday so we had girls inc. At lunch after the eating part everyone but one of my best friends who goes to girls inc. is on the yearbook committee, and there was a meeting at lunch recess, so i skipped it so she wouldn't be alone. But one of our other friends stayed too. So we are supposed to talk about our problems and stuff, so we talked about arden. But the girl who stayed back with us is friends with arden so we didn't say everything on our minds. and at the end me and my best friend told her that if she told anyone what we said we would hate her! and the people who run it were running it got mad at us for saying it and we were just like ok whatever.
Then we had CBC which is like high school prep. We were in two groups but since the other class is a split grade and it's only for grade 8s there were like 12 people. And so some of the people in our class went with them and at recess i said i was gonna spaz if i got separated from my friends. And guess what? I did! ok so i got put with the girl in yellow and the girl from girls inc. I was pissed! my best friends could see it on my face. they said it looked like i was either about to cry or was really pissed. and it was both, but mostly pissed! WE watched this really bad movie. But one of the people from the high school who was there used to be in my brother's band and he is soo hott! like i thought so when he was at my house like every wednesday! and that made it all better :). we have it again tomorrow!
ok so when we were went to girls inc at black river two of our friends were already there and we were happy... then arden and the girl in yellow came! me and my best friend didn't even do the science experiment cause they were helping. Then we went to the gym and me, my best friend and one of our other friends were playing 21 again, but it was much more fun last time rofl. cause our friend is really good at basketball, but she had a broken wrist so it kinda evened the field. but it's better now she she was smoking us and me and my best friend were like "k _______ you win!" haha but not like rudely we were laughing. Then me, my best friend and our friend who we wern't playing 21 with decided to sit in this like kinda room thing.. hard to explain. well anyway and we were talking about who i like and our friend's birthday party cause she invited us. Then arden and the girl in yellow like barged in and were like "we're allowed to be here!" and the girl in yellow gave me the dirtiest look so i shot one back! and then we just kept talking about it and so they left. And so i closed the door and arden came racing back and slamed it open. and i was like "holy spaz!" Then they left and the girl running it came in and was like yelling at us for not doing gym and i guess that they told her we were talking about them and we were like "ok no we were talking about her party!" and then she was talking about the 'tension' and 'drama' and how it bothered her that me and the girl in yellow were not friends and that she said that i just stopped talking to her and that she doesn't know what she did wrong. and i was like "ok not that it's ANY of your buisness, but she stopped talking to me so i don't know what she's on and she knows exactly whats wrong. and we're just not friends why is that so hard for you people?!" and then later we left. Another thing Arden said was like "stop trying to be something you're not!!!" like holy SHIT! not your buisness!!!
so today we didn't really do much. one of my best friends came over this morning, and she will every morning for the rest of the month. I talked to him a lot too. it's cool cause it's not really weird.. but this is on msn.. what about out for lunch on friday? and the party that night?
Tomorrow is going to be cool. me and my best friends are going to talk to our principal about having a talent show cause me and one of them want to do one girl revolution - superchick! I'm so excited. i hope we can!! I have it almost memorized haha.
oh at lunch recess we were talking about these grade sevens and we were talking about the two cutest ones (not telling anyone who so don't even ask). one i have known since i was in grade two (who one of my friends thinks is cuter of the two) and one i've been friends with since i was in grade 6 (who i think is cuter). but the one i think is cuter has a gf (N) lol but that's ok he's too short for me anyway! ok like seriously we were both a circus camp and we were looking in the mirror and i was like holy crap i didn't know you were that short. rofl. But yea we're good friends, so even if he was single and we liked eachother (and maybe he was taller rofl) I don't think we would want anything to happen. it would just be kinda.. weird.. he's just cute. that's all. i don't think i would ever actually like him. haha.
-xo Laura

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Wizardry said...

21? I suppose. I'm having all the guys come over to my house this weekend for a long night of poker: Texas hold'em. How else do you think I get the money for my suits?

laura xo said...

oh haha i meant the basket balll game.
but that's cool too :P

beccabrownxo said...

cmon tell me who you thought was cute ?? did u use to have a cush on him && read my blog lol

laura xo said...

no i didn't and no I'm not telling you cause it's really none of your business!

Emaleaxo said...

21 the basketball game! duh! nooffence and and beccai know who it is and youu DONT!

annie-xo said...

yeah. i just 'stopped talking to you'. that's it. nice to know your messed up version of it. well if you want to think that why don't you tell your friends, because they don't think i did anything either!

and its nice that you'll talk about me like this and then act like its all fine and dandy in gifted then ignore me again when you're around your friends.

sorry that i'm so 'immature'. i guess i'll just have to catch up to you, HIGHNESS!