Tuesday, April 8, 2008

& the countdown begins.

I was so happy that i got to talk to Garrett today! But it was kinda weird.. but I'll explain later. in the morning i was supposed to wake up at 7 am, but i was too busy day dreaming to actually wake up :P haha. so when one of my best friends came over i wasn't ready haha. so when we got to school we were the only people there! haha so we went over near the crossing gaurd my the church across from our school. and we were looking for her lover! hahaha she was a boyfriend, a husband, a man on the side, a man in waiting and a lover hahaha don't even ask!
In computers we got a seating plan! But i think that our teacher was like on crack when she made it! ok it goes (computer 22) one of my best friends, (computer 21) me, (computer 20) one of our kinda friends. But we all talk a lot :) and if one other person (some of you know him as 'D' from emalea's blog) it would be so loud! We were working on our speaches, and surprisingly we actually did work :O haha. In french we spent the last like 15 minutes that were supposed to be free time writing signs for a class who was outside. the gut my friend likes and my bestest friend was in that class and some of our other friends. so like the whole time we were getting people to get my bestest friend cause i wanted a high five *through a window* from him but he wouldn't come. so when he came in we weren't allowed to leave the art room, so i was trying to tell him to give me a high five and i held me hand to the window and i was like yelling it then he finally got it.
haha so at lunch me and one of my best friends had to help our french teacher/the basket ball coach move stuff from his truck to in the school! then we decided that since Arden went to the girls inc. party we would just skip it! so we didn't have lunch. but that'd ok. we went outside instead and we hung out with my bestest friend, the guy my friend likes and some other people and i found out a lot of people's middle names haha. after that we had CBC. But first, one of the girls from girls inc. wanted to say bye to us and we got cup cakes :) i loved that cup cake, everyone was jealous! in CBC we played a game. our team won so we got candy. then i asked a 'good question about high school' (about spares) and i got more candy :D.
So at the basket ball tournament we got my bestest friend and the guy that my friend likes to stay. and i gave my bestest friend my cup cake :( haha but he gave me a pease. Then at like half time i think they came in and sat beside me (i was score keeping with one of my best friends) and they were like do you have money? and my bestest friend was like "come one I'm your best friend!" and so i gave him a toonie and the guy my friend likes was like "yea and I'm your other friend" haha it was funny so i gave him one too! Then they got kicked out cause the coach is a fag! haha my bestest friend said it! haha
so on to why it was weird at first talking to Garrett. Well i wasn't in his name anymore and i was sad :( . and my friend asked me about it and i was like 'no I don't know why I'm not in his name:( ' and then she asked if we were still dating and i was like 'yea... i think so :S :( ' and she asked him and he said yea and i was so relieved! After he signed off this is how mine and her conversation went:
lauraxo.: i got scared when you asked if we were still dating. I was like: :'(i fucking hope so!!!!!!!!!
*her*: lmao
lauraxo.: no seriously i was about to cry. i would have if you said we weren't
*her*: you are
lauraxo.: i am what ?
*her*: dating him
lauraxo.: oh lol yea i was so releived!!
i like him soo much!! i would have like not stopped crying for a month!
*her*: awh
lauraxo.: i would have.
like you don't even know!

and it's so true. I'm already pretty sure i like him more than he likes me, but he obviously likes me a lot still ! So today was basically good :) I was so happy to talk to him :) i miss him and i can't wait till i can see him on friday!
-xo Laura

Blogged with the Flock Browser


Stephaniee said...

and buds
i do know what it feels like

Wizardry said...

Well, I think I know what your trouble with talking to Garrett is; you kids are what, 13? Here’s how that works. I’m sure he likes you, and kids your age can get along and like each other a lot, but once you assign a title to the relationship, like ‘dating’ it changes things. You go from being really close friends (or maybe not, I don’t know the back story here) to being a thing with a title- which can screw guys up at this age.

So understand, I’m sure he likes you, but at this age, for some reason I can’t depict, guys don’t like titles. We get along fine until it becomes ‘official’ I suppose, and then we don’t know how to act. We think, “we’re no longer just friends, we’re dating, so I’ve got to act like we’re dating” which is a difficult task. Funny thing is, most guys don’t realize they just have to act pretty much the same, but because they don’t know that, they’re a bit standoffish- and that’s what I think is happening.

What’s the cure? Give it some time. Be sure that when you’re with him comfortable to be around you. (more dating experience I’ve seen with friends and myself) If you dive right into this, and he has no idea what’s going on, he’ll feel so out of place around you he’ll bail out, so stop one is t make sure that when you’re together, its more natural than breathing; from there, you can expand upon your relationship together.

Well, once again, good luck with him. For you to be thinking this much about him makes him a very lucky guy.

laura xo said...

Stephanie: i know you know what it's like, but it's different.. well kinda.. it's hard to explain how, but i know that it is.
Victoria gothic: Thank you. i appreciate that you are helping me with this. i haven't ever been in a real relationship, well I'm sure this still isn't what some people would call a 'real relationship' but it's a lot more than i have ever had. so i'm kinda new to it. And i hope that he thinks that he's a lucky guy too. but some of this stuff i wouldn't tell him !

beccabrownxo said...

what do you concider your other ex then an imaginary friend,cuz he was hot lol no offence ,lol u couldent say that baout any of mine lolz