Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Embedded Video

ok i really like this song, but i have a problem with the end of the video. how they got back together.. no that doesn't happen. and if it does it shouldn't like that.

ok this is how it should happen if the guy broke up with the girl and is regretting it even if she misses him too but like hates him for leaving her
ok the girl is all depressed then goes to a basshunter concert with her friends. the guy, alsodepressed so coincidently went to the exact same concert. The girl is dancing with her friends and she sees the guy looking at her looking pretty lonely herself. she should be thinking like 'BITCHHH you broke up with me! MISS IT!' and starts dancing like really slutty! lmfao then the guy starts dancing with like a hot girl and then she finds a really hot guy and then they like hateeachother then in like a week they like freak out at eachother then it tuns like.. well you can figure it out from then ;)
ahahah yea i know I'm screwed. but I'm sooo bored you don't even know.
still gonna blog later. but i really want to do something!! so I'll blog later. anyone want to do something ?

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beccabrownxo said...

lmao i dont know how were gonna dance two that in gym class were screwed!