Tuesday, April 22, 2008

this is a survey. copy it, fill it out and post it [I'll post again later]

Three Names you go by [from most often to least often]
2. campbell's soup
3. um.. ?

Three Parts of Your Heritage
1. Canadian
2. irish
3. british

Three Things You Like About Yourself
1. um well i love my hair [though other people might not agree]
2. a lot of my friends will confide in me, like i am so trusted with a lot of people. i always am the only.. or first, person people will tell who they like or talk about it with, i guess because i know what it's like most of the time.
3. and i guess i like how i can come up with sayings pretty fast for like pictures, and ideas for stories and that kind of stuff.

Three Things You Hate About Yourself
1. I'm actually pretty self-conscious
2. I don't think before i say something so I'm always embarrassing myself, offending someone or just generally regretting i said it.
3. and i probably spend way too much time obsessing about stuff that I'm pretty sure people don't even notice.

Three Things That Scare You
1. clowns
2. needles i guess.. well I'm not really afraid of them, but i always get sick or something from them so i dread getting them.
3. peach fuzz. ok it's not really a fear per say but it's like nails on a chalk board for me. idk why exactly

Three of Your Everyday Essentials
1. um. well food..
2. water..
3. some form of media or communication.

Three Things You Are Wearing Right Now
1. jeans
2. t shirt
3. socks .

Three Things You Need in a Relationship
1. like honesty of course.
2. he has to be able to make me laugh.
3. and well i guess we have to talk and hang out a lot.

Three PHYSICAL Things about the Opposite Sex that Appeal to You
1. tall. well at least taller than me. :P
2. blue eyes!! [haha well it's not essential but it's always nice]
3. well being over all attractive.

Three of Your Favorite Hobbies
1. hanging out with friends .
2. writing stuff [like scripts, stories, blogs, even lyrics and poems sometimes].
3. listening to music and sining [when no one is around to hear that is!]

Three Things You want to do really badly right now
1. hang out with friends.
2. get a crush on someone that i have a chance with/have the person i do have a crush on actually notice me.
3. do something outside [but that would kind of involve number one because there is nothing to do around here alone..]

Three Places You Want to go
1. new york
2. all over/any where in europe
3. new zealand

Three Things You Want to Do Before You Die
1. become a director
2. meet Tim burton
3. become kind of famous, but like C list celebrity that is famous and people look up to them, but only people who care about directing knows of them like Ron howard.

Three Ways that you are stereotypically a Girl/Guy
1. I like shopping
2. I wear makeup and spend way to long to get ready
3. I like guys and talking about hot ones :P

Three Things that annoy you
1. when you scrape your fork on your teeth and make that annoying noise!
2. when people find out who you like and start saying like 'you should ask him out!!' or 'you would be cute!' and you're like ok, no! i know it's not gonna happen, so you should accept it too!
3. like when people keep bugging you about something and you're just like ok w.e just stfu and leave me alone!

Three friends I would like to see fill this out
1. stephanie
2. rebecca
3. emily

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