Wednesday, April 9, 2008

because sometimes second chances are the only way to make things work..

ok, like always, I'll save the title till the end.. so today i was kinda depressed the whole time, cause i didn't really know if Garrett really likes me, so i was really just kinda weird, and I'm sorry to the people that i was kind of mean to. my mind was occupied, that's all. so in better beginnings we played this weird game involving pantie hose, plastic spoons, and duct tape! hahaha don't ask! So me and some of my friends won the champion idol. rofl. it's this ugly wooden statue! But i was happy :) haha. so in music, nothing happened really. we started working on out duets. I'm with one of my friends who also plays alto sax. and we're pretty good friends, so it's really fun! in french we did work, but like it wasn't hard or anything, so we didn't really mind.
at recess was when i started to get depressed. I was sitting alone cause the guy i sit with wasn't there. and we're not allowed to move, so i just thought the whole time. about Garrett really. so when i went to do my french presentation at recess i was pretty down. and one of my best friends thought i was taking it out on her but i seriously didn't mean to! so we didn't really do much after we went outside. in math we made grilled cheese sandwiches (haha yea, that's what we do in gifted math. we cook!) haha nah this was our first time. But they were really gross. and i didn't feel so great. so at lunch i didn't eat my salad and everyone was like 'whats wrong?' and everyone would look at me and i'd be like 'nothing' really quietly. Then at lunch recess i felt like i was going to throw up and pass out. and i almost did pass out a few times!
nothing really else happened, well i have to go soon, so I'll just skip to explaining the title. Duh, it's about Garrett. He broke up with me today. because we won't see each other much. and i was crushed. i cried for like a half an hour. but then i was happy that this wasn't just a lie (i didn't know at the time why he broke up with me) i was glad that he didn't keep going out with me even though he didn't like me. so i went back on msn and apparently he felt really bad for making this day that was already pretty bad worse. And he told one of my best friends that he wanted me back. But i really didn't know. i guess i could just show you the conversation i had with him *hey i don't even have to change his name :P I'm sorry it's so long.

(8:58 PM) (so)GARRETT(so): heeeeeey
(8:58 PM) lauracampbellxo.: hi
(9:01 PM) (so)GARRETT(so): i no u probaly dont wanna talk to me right now and u probaly hate me but i made a bad decison dumpin u and i was wonderin if u wanna go out again and i under stand if its a no
(9:02 PM) lauracampbellxo.: i really don't know.
cause i like you so much! and i don't hate you. i never could.
but i don't know if i can beleive that you really like me..
(9:04 PM) (so)GARRETT(so): i do lik u but the reason y i dyumped u is cuz i would only ever c u on fridays and weekeneds. lik if u went to my school it would be different
(9:05 PM) lauracampbellxo.: so then why would you want to go out with me now ?
(9:07 PM) (so)GARRETT(so): cuz i screwed up
(9:07 PM) lauracampbellxo.: so what changed. we wouldn't see each other anymore than that.
(9:09 PM) (so)GARRETT(so): true but im ok wit dat
(9:10 PM) lauracampbellxo.: but why now, and not then ?
(9:10 PM) (so)GARRETT(so): well i didnt thjink of that before
(9:11 PM) (so)GARRETT(so): think *
(9:11 PM) lauracampbellxo.: didn't think of what :S
(9:13 PM) (so)GARRETT(so): see u as much
(9:13 PM) (so)GARRETT(so): seeing
(9:13 PM) lauracampbellxo.: k I'm really confussed.
(9:14 PM) (so)GARRETT(so): same
(9:14 PM) lauracampbellxo.: lol.
i think i know.
(9:14 PM) (so)GARRETT(so): lol
(9:14 PM) (so)GARRETT(so): k
(9:14 PM) lauracampbellxo.: i will :)
(9:15 PM) (so)GARRETT(so): will wat
(9:15 PM) lauracampbellxo.: omg
(9:15 PM) (so)GARRETT(so): srry im lost
(9:15 PM) lauracampbellxo.: you're so stupid!
(9:15 PM) (so)GARRETT(so): :(
(9:16 PM) lauracampbellxo.: sorry.
(9:16 PM) (so)GARRETT(so): lol its ok
(9:16 PM) lauracampbellxo.: :)
(9:16 PM) (so)GARRETT(so): :)
(9:17 PM) lauracampbellxo.: :P
(9:17 PM) (so)GARRETT(so): ;p
(9:18 PM) lauracampbellxo.: so do you have to ask me something?
(9:18 PM) (so)GARRETT(so): no
(9:19 PM) (so)GARRETT(so): lol jk
(9:19 PM) (so)GARRETT(so): ya i do
(9:19 PM) lauracampbellxo.: ok. good.
cause i know the answer (but you still have to ask me :P)
(9:20 PM) (so)GARRETT(so): its a no :'(
(9:20 PM) lauracampbellxo.: what ?
(9:20 PM) lauracampbellxo.: why would you think that ?
(9:20 PM) (so)GARRETT(so): lol i dunno
(9:21 PM) lauracampbellxo.: well then just ask me and find out.
(9:21 PM) (so)GARRETT(so): k
(9:21 PM) lauracampbellxo.: ok
(9:22 PM) (so)GARRETT(so): do u wanna go out
(9:22 PM) lauracampbellxo.: yea :)
(9:23 PM) (so)GARRETT(so): sweet :)

I felt so loved. And i still do. i know it's kind of screwed, But I'm actually glad we broke up for an hour or so. because now i know that he really likes me. if he went to that much trouble for me i really know he must. I can't wait until friday! I like him so much! he's amazing! He's so shy, but it's really cute! people think that it's kind of funny that someone as shy as him is dating someone like me! haha but beleive it. because this has really brought us closer! It really does take a tragedy to see the though to the good ( :
-xo Laura
Blogged with the Flock Browser


beccabrownxo said...

i dont get it lol so you broke up then you got back together,confusing,and lol checkout my post from the blog before this one

laura xo said...

not that confusing..

Stephaniee said...


laura xo said...

lmao loser steph.
but i love you!

Wizardry said...

I don’t want to sound pretentious but if it ain’t as I predicted; I told you, guys are just foolish at this age. He got nervous and jumped ship- I have no idea why girls can always keep such a cool head about this kind of stuff; maybe its because girls always talk to each other about relationships, and even the ones they want to be in, while guys mostly never talk about it, even as time goes on. At least he realized he messed up and tried to make it a better situation.

Well, I’m not sure there’s much more I can say aside from, well, I don’t know, I’m sick and tired of looking at colleges. I went to Emory this morning, and I’m really tired. Sleepy time for Victoria…

laura xo said...

yea we do ALWAYS talk about this stuff, but there is still stuff that we don't tell anyone. we just keep it to ourselves and kind of freak out alone.. but i guess that it's just how much we think about this stuff and all the time we have to rationalize! i guess it just makes it easier to stay calm about it.

beccabrownxo said...

lol hes right we are constantly having convos about the realtion ships we want to be in and the it never happens or we fuck it up lol.