Tuesday, April 22, 2008

excitment just doesn't seem like the proper emotion for this.

ok not a whole lot happened today. not saying that it wasn't fun, just nothing really stood out.
we started dance in gym. we had to get into groups and pick a song to make a dance for. my group is me, rebecca and stephanie. and we're doing the song now you're gone - basshunter (the one below) and we started making up a dance. it's actually pretty easy.
I've been talking to people on msn, but nothing much new with that.. Today is my friend's birthday, so happy birthday! :D. Tomorrow is my mom's but i have no idea what to do! it's the community dinner and I'm volunteering and i kinda felt bad about it. but she has a meeting so she won't be home anyway. does anyone have any ideas to do for her?
speaking of birthdays, that's what my title is about. mine is in exactly 2 weeks. but i'm not excited. I usually am. Last year i started counting down at 99 days! I was so excited, but for some reason I'm not. I have no idea what I'm doing for my party or when I'm having it. i have a vague idea of who I'm inviting, but idk for sure. there are some people that i might invite, but i'm not so sure if i want to. last year i was so pumped. i was like 'omg I'm gonna be 13, a teenager!!!' but this year it's like 'I'm gonna be fourteen woah big deal' *then rolls eyes sarcastically* like I'm happy, I'm bored, but I'm happy. i'm excited for other things.. well kinda, nothing really to be excited about. seeing the guy i like, meeting Richard ? i guess. but I'm not pumped for my own birthday ?! why not ? like it's not like I'm gonna like be afraid to fuck up my party, like it's my friends, they won't care, we'll have fun doing whatever!
I guess I'm not really thinking about the future. I'm really just in the now. I'm not really thinking about tomorrow night, school, the guy i like, not even grad! and I've been looking forward to that night since grade 6! Not even the last day of school when I'm gonna make every teacher hate me!
idk why but people are getting really touchey. idk why or if it's just me, but some people are just changing and i just don't like it. like i know people are changing, i know and accept that but when people are like pissing me off and being bitchy towards me it's like ok fuck off I don't want to be friends with you! idk, i just had to add that. sorry. well I don't want to waste anymore time, so I'm done!
-xo Laura

Blogged with the Flock Browser


beccabrownxo said...

its true everything changes ,even if we dont want it to,and the dance thing is gonna be hard that we changed teh song and had K join the group,but it'll b okay and lol ur looking foreward to meet richard but not turn 14 what is wrong with you?? jk jk ,though he is totally fine(and totally mine) hes not that much worth it compared to graduating public school u dummie ,but it will be fun when u 2 meet lmao xoxo-rebecca

Emaleaxo said...

ur gunna meet richard?! ew hes so ugly!

laura xo said...

no. emily he's not. i saw a picture of him from sunday. it's on my phone. he's hot!

Emaleaxo said...

yeah i know i have the pic too hes UGLY!

beccabrownxo said...

rawr laura u know hes mine jk

Wizardry said...

Becca said, “its true everything changes” which, on any other day, I would agree with, but some things don’t. Speaking of your relationships, I’m starting to talk with an ex of mine whom I have not spoken with in two years. We were on really bad terms back then; we really hated each other, and at the time, I really disliked her. But you see, I was reminded of it on my birthday (March 28) as a friend of mine made a comment about how he and his girlfriend just broke up. I was like, woah, really? Two years ago today she dumped me. Has it really been two years? But it has. I’ve hooked up with other people, but they’re not the same. They’re all boring, or preoccupied with other things. So, all I’m saying is, some things change, but apparently, I’m not one of them.