Saturday, April 26, 2008

and here i go again. lying like I'm alright..

i think that i just have low blood sugar or something. and that's what's making me want to pass out all the time. I am never hungry, but if i don't eat i feel light headed, but when i do eat it just makes me feel sick. I don't really want to tell my parents about it though, because they will just make me go to the doctor and I'm afraid I'll find something out that i never want to.
I have ADD so i have problems concentrating on things. so when i found out i have to clean my room and keep it clean from now on i was really down about it. so that's what I'm doing. Well that's what i'm taking a break from doing.. But when i do it i always get distracted by a notebook from grade 4 or a photo album from when i was a baby or a story i wrote at the begining of the year. i have amazingly been able to get a bit organized, but i have a long way to go.
I cleaned out my hope chest and I'm putting all of my scripts and stories in it along with inspirational memorabilia and other things i have. maybe I'll actually get some work done on them now :) .
tonight i might be going to my friend's ice show with rebecca. it should be fun. but i hope i feel better. I'm not sure if i should tell my parents about my lightheaded-nes before then if at all. but until i find out, i'll keep lying like I'm alright..
-xo Laura

Blogged with the Flock Browser


beccabrownxo said...

i wish i we could have gone to thar uce show :( and rotfl my dream was soo fucked up lol and u should tell ur parents if your feeling sick ,and low blood sugar and be fixed with ice cream :),but ive heard when ur vegitairan you can be lacking in iron or somthing , xo-rebecca

Wizardry said...

Sounds wicked awesome; except the low blood sugar part. Apropos, but I may have low blood sugar. Oh, well. Not to be egocentric (even though I generally am) I’m pretty sure my ex dumping me on my birthday was worse than your friends on valentines day. But just to make sure; how old are these kids? Your age? If so, its not as bad. Is valentines day more important than peoples birthdays in Canada? (jk) if so, its not as bad. Were they as involved as were my ex and I? if so, its not as bad. And here’s the finale- has that guy not dated anyone in two years just so he could try to get her back? If so, its not as bad as me.

laura xo said...

haha. yea it's not as bad when you put it that way.

beccabrownxo said...

lmao valentines day is big in any country it a day at poking fun at anyone who dosnt have someone,i spent my last v day volunteering with beenie it was fun, and i thought only old people had low blood sugar ,and we both have had alot of ice cream lately,rotfl

laura xo said...

actually a lot of people in my family have low blood sugar and they have had it since they were like 10.
and that's not really what it means rebecca!