Sunday, April 6, 2008

you make me feel like no one else..

and I couldn't be happier. if you read my last blog, you know that I'm really upset right now.. well i was (if you haven't go read it!!). but this isn't about the same person. this blog is about someone i really care about! someone who I'm sure you all know as 'him'.
He's sweet, funny, smart, cute, a good listener, and is always here for me :). the best part of it all is that he likes me too.. Even better i can now call him my boyfriend.
It just happened. he just asked me out and i am the happiest person in the world!! To think this shy boy actually asked out this crazy chick!
I love you Garrett! And i always will! I can't wait to see you again!
you turned the worst day of my life, into the best! You are amazing!
i love you
-xo Laura

Blogged with the Flock Browser


beccabrownxo said...

you two are probably the cutest couple at sps! lol im happy 4 u ,xoxo-rebecca

beccabrownxo said...

lol not sps ,my bad

beccabrownxo said...

laura dont freak but check this out, i warned you

(p.s dont bring me into this i just wanted you to see this ,so you cant say "why didnt you tell me",hes not talking about you , im just saying :) dont hate me for sdhowing u this xoxo-rebecca)

Emaleaxo said...


laura xo said...

Rebecca: yea not at my school idiot! rofl
Stephanie: THANK YOU STEPHANIE I LOVE YOU!!! and i will stop saying that to you... i think :P
Emalea: Be jealous! haha

Wizardry said...

Thats so cute. But don't ever worry about anything I ever say about love; I'm just bitter. So whenever I start complaining, just reply "bitter bitter bitter" and hopefully that will shut me up.

And becca, I'm not mocking you- I say smexi and I really had no idea anyone else did, so its "freakin awsome" that you do too.

Emaleaxo said...

okaii i am so out of this. rebeca ur still getting it wrong in ur blogs its Garrett.

and luara i am not jealus. so SUCK IT UP! ha! just used ur thing on U!

and gothic u say smexi thats funny

and and steph i love how u end ur posts

beccabrownxo said...

what is with the judgemnt of my lack of spelling ppl?