Thursday, August 28, 2008

lost in staples ?

haha so todday was regestration, and it was soo funny. there were literally like four other people regestering when i went. it was like at the end so everyone went in the day i guess. so it took us like less than 20 minutes. i found my locker, and it's kind of messed up. like the bottom shelf is all dented :( oh well. so then i went to the mall, and it was pretty fun haha. i got two pairs of skinnies (i was soo close to getting hot pink ones) and a hoodie from urban planet, and a $50 element backpack from boathouse. haha! then i went to staples and i had noo idea what to get :S so my mom and sister-in-law-to-be told me stuff i needed, so i'm talking to anna now about what i didn't get.

SCHOOL TUESDAY!! I'm finially excited! haha. ugh ugh uhg. i wish we could skip tomorrow!! then it'll be the weekend and something good is happening. then skip monday then SCHOOL :D!!!! haha sorry. i guess i was worried about regestration more than high school itself. ahhhh! and OH! MY! GOD!!!! hottt boy! lmao i saw a hot guy that is in grade nine, and one that is in grade 11 :D hahaha. sorry, i'm pumped! i'm gonna go now though.

laura.xx !


beccabrownxo said...

lmfao when me and my step mom and dad and mat were in stapels it was packed ,and i didnt find anything amazing besides this batman shit♥♥ lol awh man hot pink skinnys ,that sounds awsome:P ,but i think the knot im my stomache is beacuse of well not being in sutton ,but that seems stupid ,it could be about starting high school lol,and ROTFL how teh hell did you sonvince your mom but get one of teh element backbacks ,lol i wanted one last year it was 75 and my dad was liek about to buy it tehn he saw teh price tag lol ,and lol theres more than 2 hot guys there :D YAY !!! :P im suddenly excited XD ,


laura xo said...

ahaha. rebeccca, sweety, it's pack with hot guys! did you not learn ANYTHING at the count on it thing?
and i saw them and i was like omg i want this. then i looked at the tag and the one i origionally wanted was $60 and she was like "ugh fine, you'll bug me till i get it anyway!" which wasn't true but w.e then i was like "uh, it doesn't look big enough!" and me and katrina looked at it then i saw the one i wanted and katrina was like "this is big enough, and it's only $50!" so my mom was like "oh that's good!" so haha i guess compared to the one she was gonna get it made her happy!