Saturday, August 30, 2008

i kind sorta...

i kinda sorta wish i could hear your voice, i kinda sorta wish you didn't have to leave, i kinda sorta wish you didn't care i was so loud, i kinda sorta wish i gave you a hug before you left, i kinda sorta wish i saw you more often, i kinda sorta wish you were here beside me, because i kinda sorta have a thing for you...

okay guys, it's been about two weeks, it was fun, but guess what?! i like someone! i know shocker right? haha well it's kinda good, but also kinda bad. i guess i'm just asking too much. and no, i'm not talking about wanting edward cullen. haha, though i wish i could meet someone like him, let's face it girls, not every shiny silver volvo you see is going to pull up beside you while you're getting cat calls from random strangers, and the doors aren't going to open to reveil an impossibly gorgeous vampire there to save your day (now i say not every one, cause there's always that hope!) haha well what i meant was that i wanted someone i went to school with, but also someone who lived near me. but that's kind of a rediculious request. so i decided someone who lived close was what i wanted more. so i guess that's what's good about it. he lives close. the bad thing is.. he's kinda.. my best friend's cousion..

i mean she was the first person i told, and she seems cool with it, and i'm sure she is. it's just gonna be weird, cause i would feel awkward talking about him to her. which i do a lot with my crushes. but i can deal. i just don't know if he should know i like him, or if it'll just pass :S

anyway i should go to bed, i just had to let you guys know my blog might get intresting again! haha

laura.xx !


beccabrownxo said...

lmfao ,i will always believe edward cullen is real :'( lmfao (jk) but i think there is some guys who can atleast try to be like him ,lmfao i dont mean like putitng body glitter on and sparkling (cuz tht would be gay lmfao) but like they could atleast try to play the piano ,or like sleep over ;) ,jk ,but its a cute thought ,and LMFAO im gonna guess tht guy must be pretty effing hot to liek if hes ... um im not gonna say her name but lmfao ,cousin ,lol

-rebecca ♥

laura xo said...

becca i'm not that shallow! he is hot, but that's not why i like him. i've known him since grade seven, so if that was why i liked him i wouldn't have just started liking him now! he's really nice and really funny!