Wednesday, August 27, 2008

ahhh :'(

why are people so horrible? i'm already stressed enough, i really don't need this! okay so here's what's going on. there's this girl, who's turning into arden! and i really don't want to fight with her, i don't want to be her friend right now either, but i just don't want us to be horrible to eachother. because i know what she can do. she's friends with one of my best friends, i don't want to get her in the middle of it. i'm not gonna bitch about her to my friend.. or anyone. cause i don't care. but she might. and she might fuck up one of the best friendships i've ever had!

kay sorry, i just had to vent. i've been crying for like half an hour already.


beccabrownxo said...

oh laura ,i know this is really buging me too,all we can do is hope, ♥ love ya


Wizardry said...

Oh, that sounds like fun. But I noticed, in your profile picture you've got an LP there. Which one is it? I'm just really curious because I collect vinyl. Haha, well, I guess thats about it.