Monday, March 3, 2008

you're stunning, you're cunning..

Today was... good ? bad ? maybe a bit of both. But I guess mostly good. I woke up to that annoying noise of my alarm on my cell. But that didn't matter, because I was waking up from the most wonderful dream, and if i was lucky, it would become my reality.. on my way to school, it wasn't too cold, and i could actually listen to mp3 player without my headphones falling out of my ears. as i was on my way, i saw him on the other side of the road, far ahead of me, so he probably didn't notice, but i did see him look my way. when i got to the doors, expecting to be stuck there with my friends and him and his friends, I was pleasantly surprised to see that we were allowed to go inside. when i got inside i hung out with my friends in the hall. then when i realized that i had forgotten something in my locker i realized that he was standing 3 lockers away. I was probably really red, but i didn't care, i had to get something. when the first bell rang our french teacher was there, so almost everyone went in. But my friend had basically just gotten there, so me and one of our other friends waited for her, plus he wasn't leaving right away either. then the second bell rang and the teacher made us come in. during that class me and my friend were talking a lot and then we were hitting each other with dictionaries. He called me bookish and her a Neanderthal. rofl. then he said he was going to send us to the detention room if we didn't stop. So we did. Then we watched Shrek in art. we decided that I was donkey, my friend was shrek, one of our guy friends from another school was fiona and my crush was dragon. we had a lot of fun. than at recess we were outside and he was just wearing a t shirt! I was wearing a hoodie and i was cold! anyway, we weren't hanging out in the usual spot, we were near where he and his friends were having a snowball fight. my friend was giving me a piggy back and i was falling and she was like "Laura you're falling!" so i tried to get off, and she tried to make me not fall. so I fell on my ass. But it was funny, and it got his attention! and so did a lot that me and my friends were doing. Then in science these guys came into our class and started doing something, but we had no idea what. So someone was like "it's a crime scene!" and i was like "yea that's why _____'s not here, he's dead! and that's why _______'s not here, she killed him and she running away to mexico!" rofl. At lunch he came into our room and i hate my friends! rofl. one who sits in front of me, but who eats lunch with us, just looked at me and smiled that smile that says "you're blushing!" then i heard my other friend 'cough' but really she was calling my name! And then another one of my friends called my name and smiled a big stupid smile mocking me! Then my friend who sits beside me was like "______ you don't fit in here! you're too short to be in grade 8!" and he was like "I'm taller than you!" rofl. and i was like "um, ____ too!" then we were all laughing at her! Then at the yearbook meeting my friend 'coughed' again and i turned bright red again, but he wasn't even there! I hate my friends! jk ily. then at the end of the day me and two of my friends were like the last people in the halls and my gym teacher/his homeroom teacher was like "______ there goes your boyfriend ____!" and he was like "____'s not my boyfriend... _____ is!" and we were all like "woah!" and than i was like "well he did think the guy on the jones bottle was hot! and I'm pretty sure he heard me, but it was really funny! Then when he wasn't in the hall (thank god!) my friend was like "wow Laura, you really know how to pick 'em!" I almost killed her! and I would have if he was still there! Then when we were leaving, he was still there, talking to his teacher. so we past him, but he wasn't far behind! I almost fell and screamed a few times! rofl.
So electives tomorrow! I'm going to circus despite my fear of clowns! rofl, but it's really fun! But unfortunately I don't have a camera! But my friend might be borrowing her sister's!
-xo Laura

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beccabrownxo said...

wow u even quoted me when i said you know how to pick em' lol

beccabrownxo said...

laura ,what r u gonna say to your crush when u leave? see u tmr xoxo-rebecca

laura xo said...

uh.. nothing ?

god there are a lot of blanks there rofl.
if you want to know who they are just ask ok ?