Monday, March 17, 2008

wtf? don't be a dick!

today kinda sucked, being the first day back to school from march break and all. But it was pretty weird. I mean the day was pretty cool and normal, like at lunch recess we were teaching these like grade 3s and 4s sex ed! rofl. don't ask.and we played football in DVPA, that was fun. But when we were walking home, me and my friend, we heard my ex-crush's friend say 'Laura you wanna bang ______' and like he knows i don't like him anymore, and i would think his friend would know too. But it was really annyoing me and i was like 'um absolutely not!' then we were laughing about it, but it was still like.. weird.. and then when he was on msn i asked him about it.. ok this is how it went:
me: wtf was that about? :S
him: what
me: you're friend! (i actually used his real name, but i can't say it on here)
him: idk
me: oh :S
       well i don't even like you anymore (no affence)
him: i know _____ was being a dick
me: uh yea!
him: whats that mean
me:um.. i was agreeing with you that he was being a dick .. ?:S
then he signed off and i was like ok w.e.
Well nothing else really happened today.. oh this kid in my gifted class kept saying that i look like this other girl in the other class. and i was like wtf? no i don't! and then at the end of the day when me and my friend we're about to leave the hall and she was like "____ said that me and you look the same! but we don't!" and i was like "i know he kept saying that but we look nothing alike!" and we don't! like wtf?! rofl
omg there is this creepy stalker kid who commented on my last blog and he's so racist! like holy shit kid, you're 13! I've never heard someone that racist since like hitler!! wtf is our problem?!
-xo Laura

p.s. I might blog again later tonight.

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beccabrownxo said...

ha ha lol sex ed??? nice topic that what you should do for speeches a speech on sex! lol school was already xxx!