Sunday, March 30, 2008

i should feel as i have in the past. but something is telling me that it's not the truth at last..

ok to start of this blog, like any other I'll say a message to paul. I'm not gonna write about you anymore because i don't even care! you can call me what you want. you can think I'm ugly, emo, flat, gay, hell you can even think you won! but what have you won? What is your reward? you're the biggest gerk? I'd rather not have that title! winning a war isn't really winning at all! we've said stuff about you and you've said stuff about us and how much of any of it was true anyway? Using words that are baned from school and church don't make you a winner! When it's your only defense it makes you pathetic! Sure i have, but at least i have creativity. you use a word that should make every girl so mad too often! it's not funny and it doesn't make you cool! it doesn't make you better than anyone. it just makes yourself look bad. All i have to say to you is I'm so done with you! I have better things to do with my time then argue with people i don't even know over the internet! consider this a cordial goodbye. i hope you enjoy your empty glory.
ok, moving on with my life.. I'll save the explanation of the title for the end. Yesterday my step brother moved out. and it was really tense here. i deeply hate to say this, but with him gone i feel like it's brought us closer as a family.. I always used to say i that i couldn't wait until he moves out but i always kind of thought it would be in like july or august when he was done high school.. I hope that he's happy where he is now, and i hope that he'll keep in touch.
Today me and my family had fish and chips for diner. well I (being a vegetarian) obviously didn't have any. I just had fries. Well anyway. we got them from jhonathan's, a restraunt in town. When we went to go pick them up my brother drove. my step dad came too and i was in the back seat. Well this was his first time driving our car, so he was really jerky. i thought i was going to die! rofl. naw. he just went really fast then like stopped a few times lol. and i thought he was gonna hit a car, a post, the curb a few times, and a person on a bike rofl.
ok, so on to our feature blog! haha ok, so as I'm sure you already know, the title is about him! i was waiting for ages for him and my friend who asked him if he likes me to be on at the same time. Woah familiar huh. rofl. same friend and everything. ok anyway not the point.. Well the second he signed on i told her to ask him.. it took a while lol. so in the mean time he started to talk to me. like a lot. and lately we have been talking a lot. i thought she was going to tell me that he does. but she didn't. But for some reason i didn't believe her. it wasn't that i didn't want to believe it and it wasn't that i didn't want to believe it, just for it to be wrong. I really think he likes me. i don't know why. i mean i kind of thought it with my 2 month crush, but i have a REALLY strong feeling that he does. I could understand why he would want to lie, i mean i started to lie to some people about liking the 2 month guy after a while. it's the way he talks to me, and how he looked at me on friday. it's the way we could have a conversation about who was going to pick what we were going to have a conversation about. it's the way i feel like i can tell him almost anything. it's the fact that I'm almost willing to tell him i like him just to prove he feels the same way. it's the way that i can find nothing that could make it any less than perfect. it's the way that I'm not shy around him. It's just the way this feels so right! it's the way this feels perfect..
-xo Laura

Blogged with the Flock Browser


Paul said...

ohh goodie im victourous!

i shal celabrate with the adding of chloclat to milk.

Wizardry said...

Laura, you're exactly right. “empty glory” is the phrase I would use to describe this debauchery. You also said “I have better things to do with my time then argue with people i don't even know” which is exactly how I feel. It’s the reason I haven’t been joining in these arguments with anyone. I would much prefer to enjoy a complacent afternoon instead of deleting unwanted comments, as I’m sure you can understand. Since I know you don’t want to waste your time, and I don’t either, perhaps we can put an end to this “war” of meaningless complaints. If you agree, let me know, and I’ll talk to Paul as best I can about ceasing this pointless quarrelling. And, no sarcasm in this next sentence, thank you for being mature enough to want to put a stop to this.

beccabrownxo said...

laura im srry for the add or adhd comment -see u monday !! xoxo-rebecca (p.s i finally got a cell but i haveto share it with my bro)

Paul said...

ok luranxo this whole thing was between becca and i.

but. i want to apoliges to you for the things called you.

you can accept this apolige or not.
won hurt me one bit.

i know it not your fault becca is a douchbag. I dident want to bring you or any of your frinds betwen this.

This was souly between me and becca.

Put some thought in to what i wright.
ill take down the post i made about you.
like i said you can accet this or not wount hurt me at all.
Im just letting you know is was childish of me to say those things.
My ggrand pa said to me was
"To be a man you must ammit to your faults, even if some elce caused it"

so there im sorry. By the way i dont relly hate emo people.

beccabrownxo said...

forgive me or not (paul),i dont give a flying f*** -rebecca

laura xo said...

i apreciate that you all understand why i wanted to end this and that none of you have a problem with it! I hope that we can all just get on with our lives. I think that this has been a lesson well learned for all of us. thank you for your maturity paul. And by the way learn to spell my name right haha. :)