Tuesday, March 4, 2008

because dreams don't lie, there's something here, we just have to find it together..

I guess this all started like 2 months ago! This was before i liked him. we got to pick our electives. I really wanted to try snowboarding. I was going to go last year, but none of my friends would go, so we went to the circus. I REALLY wanted to go this year, being the last year for electives, but NO! my friend was making me feel guilty for not wanting to go to the circus again with her. So since she only acts like that around me, I decided to make her stop complaining, and signed up for it with her. On the day of the electives we had a snow day, and i was pissed. I don't think i liked him then either. but idr. so anyway it was rescheduled for today, and i really wish i went snowboarding! and not because he went.. actually, in spite of that. Because i have no idea how to! and he's good at it, so i wouldn't really want to embarrass myself. so anyway on the way to the circus, we played would you rather on the bus! EW it was gross! I had to lick the window! But other people had to do worse stuff, like one of my friends had to suck on one of my other friend's hair, then lick the whole seat, then she used her Gatorade as mouth wash, and she spit it out on the ground. Then some other kid had to lick it! EW!! Than he had to lick my friend's shoe, and she stepped in dog crap, mud AND the Gatorade! EWW!  when we got there all I could think of was him. I wish he was there! I have been there a few times before so i knew how to do the trapeze and i knew the tuck, pike and stratel(sp?) and i even won the competition :) so anyway i could show off rofl. So i couldn't get him out of my head no matter how hard i tried! and when i was on the ledge about to jump in the foam pit and all i could see was him in my mind on the way down. On the back we played would you rather again. and it was still bad! I had to lick my friend's brother's glasses! so when we got there we went in the gym, but then we left and went to the computer lab. I had no idea what to do, so i went on a site the girl beside me suggested. I was going to write a blog, but then i was like "yea no, way too many people around!" rofl. Then since we had our bags with us i just had to get my coat from my locker. then so conveniently, he was right behind me and i almost walked into his snowboard. rofl. then he was like RIGHT behind us on the way home. I'm so glad i wasn't alone! it was really icy on the field, and my friend was like "don't fall, you wouldn't want him to see!" but really i wouldn't care. then she fell and i laughed so hard! and he looked at me, so i urged her to get up faster! Then he was like right behind me still and then he fell behind i guess lol. and my friend was like "where does he live?" and I was like "um i don't.. How the hell am i supposed to know?!" and she laughed and was like "oh c'mom you haven't stalked him yet?! haha all ou see is you like walking RIGHT behind him and someone yells out 'hey are you two dating?' and you're like 'no.. shh.. go away' and he's like 'what did that person just say? something about dating ?' and you're like 'yea i.. i like dates.. date squares, yea, and fig newtons!' haha!" and i was like "but i don't like date squares or fig newtons!" and she was like "yea.. but then tomorrow he comes up to you with like a box of them with like bows and stuff! and you're like 'oh.. wow.. thanks..' and you eat them and you like throw up! haha but that would be so sweet!" rofl and it would, but only in a fantasy world! Then only a few minutes he was listening to a song that my friends make fun of me for liking! And i didn't know anyone else even liked it! so i was just about to say that, but he changed it and i was like "HOE!" rofl. Tomorrow I'm doing my science project with my friend after school! Can't wait!
-xo Laura

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Emaleaxo said...

lmao nice laura nice

beccabrownxo said...

ha ha lol whats the song??

laura xo said...

save your scissors - city and colour

beccabrownxo said...

i didnt know u were a vedgitarian

laura xo said...

yup. and you spelled it wrong. it's vegetarian.