Sunday, March 2, 2008

it's an open kind of fear..

ok, it's been a while, so I decided to post about friday and the weekend. Friday was fun! we went out for lunch, same thing as always, with two of my best friends. We went to subway, and one of my friend's ate half of my sub rofl. Then we left and walked around a bit, talked to people, and hung out with this guy, I guess he's my friend. Well at first recess I bought him, the two friends i went out for lunch with and myself hot chocolate. Well anyway we had a lot of fun, and one of my friends bought a jones with a really hot guy on it rofl. We went back to school early cause it was really cold. so we went inside and we heard the bell, but we were the only people in the halls cause it was only the first bell. Well I guess my crush saw us, so he came in the hall too.Cause my friends are the best, the one with the hot guy on the jones bottle, called him over. I saw at my locker with another one of my friends who didn't go out for lunch and I saw just like "i hate _____" . He walked over and she was like "Hey ______, isn't he hot ?" and he smiled and was like "mhmm!" rofl. then she was like "hey why weren't you out for lunch?" and he was like "i was!" and she was like "oh , I didn't see you.." and he was like "oh I saw you!" and he looked me in the eyes and i looked back into my locker. "I was about to say I saw you!" but no! that would be weird! UGH!! anyway, I think my friend knew too, so she changed the subject.. "why did you come back so early?" and he said something like "i don't know." idk, i couldn't really hear. and i was like "probably cause it was so cold!" my head still looking in my locker so our eyes couldn't meet again. Then the second bell rang and he walked away. I was honestly relieved.. until my friend had to go back to her locker and i almost ran into him in the hall! Then at the end of the day when we were leaving we had to get through the usual crowd of grade 7s to get out the door and he was like right behind me and he almost ran into me.. Ok, on to yesterday. nothing really happened until the night. My neighbor came over and she brought her dog, Roxy, who I LOVE! But i almost called her my crush's name like 3 times . and I DID twice! He is on my mind hella too much! (yea idk why i just said hella rofl) .  today I went to the mall and got lots of new clothes and shoes and a new bathing suit and stuff. But my mom spent like $200 on me, so now i have to do whatever she says. Then I decided to talk to my friend that lives in Toronto now, and I haven't seen him since the last day of school! I miss him so much, and I can't wait till he comes back to keswick and maybe we can hang out some time! rofl he calls me a bully cause i love to make fun of this kid in my class. He's an ex-gifftie (giftie=gifted kid for thoes who don't know). I went out with him twice.. ok three times. lol. but he is really sweet so for those of you who know who I'm talking about don't judge me until you really get to know him! I love that kid (like a friend, or a brother) !
On Wednesday my friend is coming over so we can do our science project! rofl, it's gonna be so fun! Me + Steph + Jello & other sandy = trouble! rofl ily.
-xo Laura

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beccabrownxo said...

nice lol jello? who was the hot guy you said you saw ,was that your crush??

laura xo said...

wtf ? the hot guy was just some random dude on the jones bottle :S