Tuesday, March 11, 2008

people think this is funny! BUT IT'S NOT!!

ok i found this on youtube and people are commenting on it like "this is hilarious because it's not like that!" and like yea it is! and poeple say stuff like "she's not emo!" or like "emo kids don't act like that!" but like holy miss the big picture!!
WARNING: this video swears like mad!

ok people think this is funny but it's not! Cause people actually go through this! speaking as a scene kid it's not cool to hear people making fun of people standing up about this kind of stuff ! like holy crap. it's easy to be a sheep like all of the people who make fun of this chick, but it takes guts to take a stand! this IS discrimination. this IS true. this IS
how some people have to spend their life because of people like them who think they're better than people who choose to express themselves like this! what makes them better than her? this is NOT funny! this is serious because it happens and people don't seem to care! This video is called 'Emo Crybaby Rant of Immense Shame' but what makes her a crybaby? Because she's emo ? because she get's upset about people who think it's just a game to hate on people who are emo or scene ? honestly what this chick is saying is inspiring ! like seriously ! if you want to know what some of these people are saying about this go to youtube and type in 'emo rant' click on the first one than on 'Emo Crybaby Rant of Immense Shame (this is a repost)' I am awaitingeurope . and there are only a few coments agreeing with this. I am one of them !

-xo Laura


Emaleaxo said...

that is so not funny!