Monday, April 14, 2008

this is all just a complicated mess..

ok usually i save the title till the end, but there is nothing to talk about other than the title. it's pretty vague. I'll start off, well at the begining of the day. like usual me and steph (ok, a lot of people don't mind people using their names in blogs, and it's just easier!) walked to jordan's house then we walked to school. when we got there we hung out with some people and we noticed that one of our good friends was hanging out with arden, we didn't think much of it because she has said how much she hated her and that she's a bitch countless times. In Art (period 2+3) at the begining she asked me if me and steph were mad at her cause she was friends with arden. in my head i was like hloy shit you're actually friends with her? why? but i just said that i didn't know. me and steph worked in the hall because it's always so loud and impossible to concentrate. so we had a lot of time to talk about it and we were talking about how much she has said that she hated arden and that we thought that it was so stupid that she just changed like that. i know that she hasn't, because she's trying to break up me and garrett. she is the biggest bitch in the world!!! She's lieing to him about saying anything! i have the chat log on my computer! this has gone too far.
This is between me and you, it has nothing to do with him, so leave him out of it! Can't you stay out of people's business for once in your life?!  You have no heart! Are you that cold that you can't even let one thing that's happy in my shitty life just be happy ? are you that insecure with yourself that you have to make everyone around you miserable just so you feel better about yourself. just leave my personal life alone! leave me alone. i don't talk to you, i never talk about you. i really couldn't give a shit as long as i don't have to talk to you or be near you. I'm sure you feel the same way! So why can't we just leave it at that?!
Me and garrett are already kinda.. complicated, you don't have to do this! just because i don't like you?! a lot of people don't like you! you need psychiatric help if you think that this is the only way to solve differences! like we don't like you, but we're not like you! we wouldn't ever do something like this! sure we'll laugh at your misfortune, but we won't cause it !
If you do this you are the most horrible, heartless, cold, bitch on the face of the earth! i would wish death upon you! I would wish for you to suffer! and after it all i would wish for you to burn in hell! so prove me wrong! Prove that you do have a heart, prove that you are human, prove that you can be a decent person if you just try! just please realize that this has nothing to do with him! it's me and you!
-xo Laura

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laura xo said...

yea! as of last night :|