Monday, April 21, 2008

thinking about the future and worried.

okay my love life is just way to confusing right now i don't even want to think about it. i just want to be single for a while.
ok so yesterday i was at stephanie's house, well i was friday, saturday and yesterday. But i got food poisoning. yeserday when i came home i felt really sick. in fact i literally got sick! blah. so gross. So I'm home today. And so did stephanie. we are both sick. it's not fun. honestly i would rather be at school, feeling well, than sitting here. sick, woozy, dizzy, about to pass out.
I don't really understand why, but recently i have been really sick, and dizzy and always feeling like I'm gonna pass out. I know it's not good, but i don't know what it is. maybe i have some kind of long-lasting illness. i really don't like this. I never get sick. like seriously i don't even get a cold. at least once a year i get sun stroke, but that's it. I'm worried that it's something bad. something like leukemia. i know, that's kind of random and seems impossible but this is what it's like.. feeling sick all the time, feeling dizzy and woozy all the time, loosing vision for a few seconds at a time..
i know that it's can't be that. but it could be something bad.
I just really hope that it's not as bad as i think it might be. maybe it's because I'm sick that I'm thinking like this, but it's not good!! well I'm gonna go lay down and watch some tv, but I'll be back on after school to see what you guys said and maybe post another blog.
-xo Laura

Blogged with the Flock Browser


Emaleaxo said...

thast how i felt last year. go see your doctor. i have to see mine tonight :( cuz of something on my arms. and its ntohign gross or anything but i still have to go. :( :(

Wizardry said...

Bah, me too. I never get sick, must be because I'm so much better than everyone else (joking, really, I'm not that pretentious). But felt the same a few days ago. Just dizzy, like I needed to go to sleep or something. As for a weekend, I visited another college, and then played poker and drank wiskey with the guys.

beccabrownxo said...

it might be from all of teh partying at teh dance lol , but u should see a doctor , lol but i think its not lukiemia ,lol but weve all been under alot of stress lately i mean starting highs chool soon and meeting new people (boys lol) and lol vg arnt u only 17?? thats illegal over there

laura xo said...

i know it's not leukemia silly. i just had a ream that it was so i just used that here. :P