Thursday, April 3, 2008

emotions are a funny thing, but also really bad!

oh my god. today the funniest thing happened. we did like nothing! French we had a suply! so DUR nothing! haha. Music, well that's not that hard. Health we just did this thing that i was doing with my best friends so it was nothing! Then math we did work, but i was in the normal class so it was fun. haha my friend was like "hey laura what's 5?" and i looked back at him and he was like "you're not doing the same work as us huh? i just realized that as i said that!" haha it was funny. then we were supposed to go back... we just stayed. Then after lunch we had CBC again and the hottie was there rofl. Then we were supposed to go back to gifted, but i was like ok whatever we're supposed to play dodge ball in like 20 minutes, so I'll just stay. then when we started to play i was like the second one out rofl. Then this guy from the gifted class came in and said we had to go back to gifted and we were like WTF? but we were there for like 5 minutes then our teacher was like you can go back if you do it for homework and i was like ok I'm doing it for homework!! haha then our gym teacher was bring a bitch and took all the good people from our class and put them on her class's team and we were spazing like your class sucks! Suck it up!
So on to tonight. I was talking to the guy i like and it was just like normal then when he had to go it was like (direct msn chat log, name changed)

(7:07 PM) *him*: i g2g peace ttyl
(7:07 PM) laura ♥xo.: bey
(7:07 PM) laura ♥xo.: bye*
(7:08 PM)*him* xo
(7:08 PM) laura ♥xo.: xo
(7:09 PM)him* xoxo
ok so i just said xo cause like.. idk.. i just did. Then i was like ok what? :S Then later i talked to him about it and i was like 'do you like me?' and he was like 'kinda sorta' My heart was racing! I like him so much like no one knows. think about how much i must have liked my two month crush to like him that long, and everything i said.. now times that by 100.. and it's still not even close to how much i like this guy. I'm hanging out with him tomorrow so If I'm lucky he's gonna ask me out! And my friend is going to tell him to rofl.
Now on to the confusing part.. I felt bad for feeling so good. Because the guy my friend likes has a girlfriend.. I felt so bad because she likes him so much and i had to tell her that he has a girlfriend. But she's happy for me. so i guess it's ok. I like him soo much.. You can't even imagine!! Well i better go, i have to have a shower and do my homework.
-xo Laura
Blogged with the Flock Browser


Wizardry said...

Your title says it all. If you like him, go for it; just don't spend too much time deciding with your friend because guys are stupid- we don't understand when women take too long to decide something.

Oh, and here is the biggest help I can give you, but first I'll explain. Men, of all kind, cannot understand when a woman wants something specific. You may think you have made yourself clear in expressing your like for him, but we guys are really dense. You may have thought you clearly expressed what you want to do with him, but again- guys are stupid- you've got to make it more clear than you think nesscary. I only say this because I've seen too many friends screw this up because they don't communicate. Just remember, no matter what happens, don't stop talking; either talk and fix it or talk and break it, but don't wait in silence.

Well then, thats about all I can do aside from offer my condolences and return to writing poetry by the mid-moon's light, about- how apropos- this very subject; alas, that is of my love lost, of course.

beccabrownxo said...

i dont think hes quite accuratit with his facts but maby you shouldent take all of victoria gothic's advice ,you should tell him if oyu like him though cuz we wont be in suton for too long dont forget theres gonna be alot of guys at NHS ,but if he has a gf you gotta make shure if he cheats on his gf for you he wont do that for someone else,nobody want a cheater,even if the boy is smexxi . ,but otehrwise im agreeing with V.G see u tmr xoxo-rebecca

laura xo said...

i did tell him i like him.. like right out.
and I'm just not the kind of person to ask a guy out. idk why i'm just not.

Wizardry said...

becca, thats awsome. I thought I was the only person in the world who says smexi. You have now been promoted to "freakin awsome" for your amazing choice of language.

beccabrownxo said...

dude u ru serious ,or r u just trying ot make me look like a idot (victoria goth)

laura xo said...

haha no shmexii is better!
and i get why you were talking about him having a gf cause you thought it was someone else..
well now he does have a gf♥ :D