Thursday, April 17, 2008

I wanted to end it I just didn't know how..

So as I'm sure you might have figured out i don't have a boyfriend anymore. We were having problems anyway. we're just better friends. But i wanted to break up with him, i just didn't know how.
It's just been kind of getting to me recently how we don't talk. And how it seemed like he didn't care. It just really wasn't worth it. Another reason i wanted to end it was because I might like someone else. I'm not telling anyone who so don't ask! The thing is that i have no chance with this other guy, so i didn't know if i wanted to break up with Garrett, so i thought that i would wait until tomorrow. I told him that if he wanted to see me than he would have to come find us. if he came i would know that he really likes me. if  he didn't then i would end it.
 unfortunately he refused right then. i was going to break up with him, i just didn't know how. so i was going to wait until i could talk to one of my friends. but he said it first. though this time i will shed no tears. for i wanted it to end too.

I don't know what it is about this new crush, but i just like him.. i think.. I'm not entirely sure, but every second it becomes more clear. I know, i bounce back fast. But this time, I'm sure nothing will come of it. So it won't get confusing, and i wont get disappointed because i know that he would never like me. This is the good kind of a crush.. i know, it sounds really messed, but it's true. He won't find out because no one will know. I won't ever think that he likes me because it's just not him. People might ask me, but i won't tell them. this is good.
But this time if someone says that he likes me, i won't believe it unless it's him..
-xo Laura

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beccabrownxo said...

atleast no one got hurt this breakup

laura xo said...

yea :)

Emaleaxo said...

oh laura u ruined my little plan! ( if it would ever work) but oh well atleast ur happy.

laura xo said...

ahaha that plan was awesome :(
oh well i like this better :)