Saturday, May 31, 2008

when you look me in the eyes, i just what to know what's on your mind. is it the same as what's on mine?

ok yesterday was twin day, and it was kind of creepy. i was supposed to do it with a bunch of other people, but i was never serious! Three other people did though, so it was creepy! rofl. anyway, he did it. him and two other people wore black and white striped shirts. so it was confusing.
first three periods were boring, and nothing happened. recess nothing important happened just caught him looking at me a lot. math was math, gay and boring. lunch was when it started getting good. we went to subway like usual. we didn't stay long. once we left we hung out with one of our friends from the other school. we went to the ice cream parler and that was the first time it was a bit weird. him and some of his friends came in and they were talking to us and like hanging out with us. and everytime i looked at him, he was looking my way. it was nice to see, but i want to know what he thinks when he looks at me. is it good, or do i not want to know? i wish he was just honest. like when i like someone, weather i want them to or not, everyone finds out. but i wish it was like that with other people. why is it just me?
i want to know what he thinks of me, i want to know if he likes me. it seems like it, but i don't want to assume that he does. i don't want to get hurt. i would rather he be brutally honest, than keep the truth to himself. i wish that i could just ask him. gah. i wish i could stop this wishing and just say my last goodbye. well maybe now say my last goodbye exactly, but do something about it. i want to know what is on his mind when he thinks of me, if he ever does. well i know that he notices me. i just hope it's for good reasons. i want to just talk to him about it, i want to know what i would do if he said he does like me. i know that i still won't ask him out, he would have to ask me out. i mean i'm not the most trusting person in the world. so i might think that he is lying. but if he asked me i would know that he does. but i'm sure that even if he did like me, he would care what his friends thought.. omg does any of this make sense? like at all?
-xo Laura


beccabrownxo said...

tee hee i so just commented,write another blog!