Sunday, May 18, 2008

steer my life away from thoes thoughts for just two days more..

so if my title wasn't clear, i'm not going to talk about my crush until tuesday..
i love my new house. though i have like no furnature in the house yet, and my ass is always numb from sitting on the floor, it's cool. at my old house we had to make plans like a week in advance to hang out. but now people show up here unexpectedly. it's cool. i live near a lot of my friends. and it's a generally nice house. i don't have a tv in my room yet, but with my laptop i don't really need one. plus i have an imagination to start daydreaming, to get myself into the real thing :) . I love being able to just go out with people. it's like so new to me! there is only one thing that we haven't really talked about, but my brother and i are both in denial about.. it's just a little trust issue.. but it's not a big deal.. we'll see how it is later..
ok sorry this has been so short.. but my desition to cut out a certian part of my blog, i have much less to talk about.. or i'm just to tired to finish writing haha. well i'm out. peace.
-xo Laura


Emaleaxo said...

nice ♥

laura xo said...

.. sure..

Emaleaxo said...

lol i just wanted to use the
& hearts; thing ♥

laura xo said...


Wizardry said...

You dern kids and your camera happy ways! I get a new picture, and I think it will be all special (which it wouldn't, I know) and then you get one too! I'm no longer special! I wanted to be the center of attention! I'm now going to complain unceasingly! Wahhhh, Wahhh, Wahhh! I’m not sure why I’m screaming right now or using so many exclamation points, but OMG I CAN USE CAPS LOCK TO EXPRESS MY EPIC SCREAMS! RARRRRR! SCREAMING! SCREAMING!

Ok. I’m done. Nice pic. Have a good day.

laura xo said...

lmfao !!!!