Saturday, May 24, 2008

it's just a romour.. so why does it bother me that much!

this is referring to a few people really. But two of them, i won't bother talking about.

ok so yesterday not a lot happened out for lunch or at school until literacy. i just had to print out my story, so i had most of the time having free time. We were watching these funny videos most of the time, and we watched 'trogdor' which was this video we were doing a project on in french. when we were watching it, he walked in.. and he said something and i looked at him cause i didn't know he was there, and the second i saw his eyes looking into mine, i had to look away. i felt sick, i felt the blood rushing to my cheeks. he sat behind me for ages and i barley said anything.. it was kind of awkward.. i was also told right after school that the guy i used to like (his best friend) told his whole class that i wasn't good enough for the guy i like now.
well after school me and steph were supposed to go hang out with our friend around my house. well after school we went to the ice cream parler for like a minuite. and he wasn't where we were supposed to meet him when we got out. we asked one of his friends where he went and he said that he was hanging out with someone else. when we got to my house we went back into town almost right away. we went to the park, then to one of our friend's house, then steph's dad, then back to the park again. then we got bored and we were on our way back to my house. when we were walking on the bridge we saw some shelter kids and they started talking to us. and asked us to go there, and we were like 'um, no thanks.' then they came running up the hill and we booted it! then when we went through the school yard.. well we were going to, but the guy that we were supposed to hang out with was there. a long with a lot of other people, including the guy i like. so we went around the front of the school. unfrotunately the shelter kids followed us, we ran again, this time into giant tiger. we stayed there for a bit, hoping that they would have gone by by the time we left. unfortunately they were still behind us. we started running again and we saw some of our friends. we went with them and avoided the stalkers. but one of our friends went home, so we went back to the park with the one who was still with us. when we got there we saw someone that the guy i like was hanging out with and he told us that him, our friend that ditched us, some whore and a bunch of other people were in the forest.. the whore was wasted. she's usually all over any guy she sees, but when she's drunk i guess she's a lot worse. and she was all over him.. but he wanted nothing to do with her.. so i didn't get it.. they went back into the forest again. before they came out, we decided to leave. but just then they came out and someone said that the whore gave him a blow job. when i heard this i almost started to cry, but i wouldn't let myself. when we started to talk about it with someone who didn't know i like him i started to cry. he didn't understand why i was crying, so i told him that i like him. i found out that it wasn't true, but i'm still not sure how i feel about him..
the other person i called a whore isn't really one, but she said that stephanie asked him out for me, and he said yes, but we're not dating, none of that is true. not even her asking him out. she asked if he would ever date me.
today we went back to the park, but when the first whore came, we left, and the person she was with/the guy i like's ex girlfriend noticed us leave when they came..
-xo Laura