Thursday, May 15, 2008

how can such a bad idea look like such a good choice?!

ok sorry i haven't been on recently. i haven't had internet cause my ex step dad is a dick. But now we're in our new house. it's so nice, but i don't know my way around it rofl. i walked though the door to the basement thinking it was the bathroom, and i almost walked into the wall thinking i was going into the kitchen. but it's pretty sweet!
so i was hanging out with emily and some other people, but we kinda left them and went to the fire dock, and we both threw notes in the lake. hers was a note about Arden. and mine was a note i wrote in literacy. to no one in geral. a few people read it, but i got it back. It was about the guy that i like. if you don't know the situation already, i am thinking about asking him out..
this is the title. i know that it's a bad idea, but it's looking better and better with every dream i have. but i shouldn't do it cause of a dream right?! but i keep thinking that he might like me.. like i always catch him looking at me. and i'm sure he laughs when i blush. but i don't know if that means anything.. everywhere i look he's there. i can't even look around while oppening my locker without seeing him! everywhere i go i think about him. i don't know what to do..
i would love to date him.. but i don't want to ask him out.. ok i'll spill my secret.. i've never asked someone out before... like i know that i haven't had a lot of boyfriends, but i've never asked any of them out. i don't really want to ask him out in person.. but don't want someone else to do it for me.. that would be so lame wouldn't it?! i mean i can see it now, someone walkes up to him. asks him to go out with me. he looks over at me. i turn BRIGHT red. he thinks i'm a total loser. he says no. that's not good. but i don't want to ask him on msn.. idk why, i just have something against that.. it's just so.. idk.. but like it's not safe.. someone could be there reading the conversation.. or someone else could say yes just to make a fool out of you.. or somone could be lying to make you say yes.. it just doesn't seem good to me.. so what's left ?! phone.. i would feel like a stalker or something if i just knew it and he didn't know how.. so that's the WORST idea. so i guess i'm stuck asking him in person..
so what do i say?! how do i do it without embarassing myself?! i wish i was more bold.. i wish i could just walts on up to him and be like 'hey, do you want to go out with me ?!' but like that would be weird.. cause we're not even friends.. people who say that i should ask him out must not take that into concideration.. but should i just go for it anyway? i mean what do i have to loose?! ahh i want to soo bad.. i really do.. but i couldn't do it alone.. i need my friends there.. if it was just me and him, it would be so awkward!! ok, so that's what i'll do.. with two of my friends.. and i know what two.. don't get offended because you're not one of them.. it's nothing personal.. it's just cause they are friends with him..
ok so that's setteled.. so what do i do when he says no?! do i just walk away?! but i'll cry.. i can't let him see me cry though!! that wouldn't be good! what do i say? just ok? or should i ask why?! i'm sure i would want to know, but i don't want to hear it then.. i'll totally cry.. if i cry that first tear, the tears will not stop raining down! can anyone help me?!
he's so carring, and so cutee! and so funny. he's so cool. and so nice. and not a goodie good. i.. i don't have buterflies saying this.. about me ACTUALLY doing it. I'm actually asking him out and i have nothing.. god for once! it's nice. i really get tired of that feeling.. it's not fun at all ! Well help me out please?! and wish me luck!
-xo Laura


Emaleaxo said...

fine do it with out me! i dont care, and LUCK! yeah i dunna the advice but ask him out or let me do it!

laura xo said...

you are coming now haha. but you are NOT asking him..!
i don't even know how i'm going to..