Wednesday, May 28, 2008

hold me tight, stay by my side, let me be the one you call baby, all the time.

ok, mixed feelings like MAD! i like him again and i don't like the guy i did like for about a day.

ok here's how it happened. like i said i still had some feelings for him, but i didn't know because of the whore, plus he still liked his ex. well he changed his personal message on msn to 'theres a train leaving town in an hour ; it's not waiting for you and neither am i' and it means that he's tired of waiting for his ex to come back. then my friend (the person that we were supposed to hang out with on friday but ditched us's ex) told us that the whore asked if she still liked him cause they like eachother and want to date. so i know that she won't go after him again, and he wanted nothing to do with her. well i still didn't know until this morning. he checked me out. and basically admited it. he said that someone has the same jeans as me. and then we were actually talking. when steph and i walked away we were talking and he said that when he touched my ass yesterday (i thought by accident, and it probably was, so like don't say anything) and even steph thought that that meant that he checked me out, she said that she thinks that he might like me, and that was even before i told her that emily thought the same thing. it was at that moment that i realized that i was falling for him all over again.

in gym all i could think about was him. arden and i were sitting out because we didn't have gym clothes, and so we talked a bit, but i didn`t really litsen, i was too busy thinking about him. after gym we had music, and our friend screamed in my ear 'can you hear me?' and i was like 'yea, thanks.' and he walked out of his class and he was like 'i could hear you from all the way down the hall.' and he was talking to our friend, but his eyes were glued to me. i was probably beat red, and i think that the whole school could hear my heart beating. some of my other friends came into the conversation, but our eyes never broke a stare until our teacher came in and we were let in the music room. the whole time i wanted to see him again. even in the middle of class i went to my locker to get something assuming that he would be sent out, unfortunately he wasn't. after music we were supposed to have french, but we were going to balenced beginings at de la salle. so we were waiting for the bus. i didn't see him for the rest of the day :(
some other stuff happened today, like me almost falling off the fire dock, then deciding to go in.. in all of my clothes.. then walking around town wearing soaked skinnies!! lmfao but i have to go to bed. nighty night.
-xo Laura


Emaleaxo said...

awwwe! and nighty night! i loves that!

laura xo said...

awwwe to what ?

Emaleaxo said...

the blog i geuss :P

laura xo said...

rofl. i don't get why but ok.. ?