Saturday, March 15, 2008

you make me feel so bad.. for feeling so good..

yesterday i got my haircut and i LOVE it! I slept over at my friend's house (the one who likes him too) and we partied hard! we were on webcam for some people to show off our sexy scene haiir! one of our friend's was really sad.. so we cheered him up :). Her sister's boyfriend was over too and it was really funny! also last night the buy i like was going to blow off the plans that we've had since sunday! so we were really mad/sad! but we got over it when we found out that he was coming! we also hung out with one of his friend's and one of our friend's who used to go to our school. we were in giant tiger and we were just waiting for him to call my cell. Then we ran into her and my friend saw her first. *ok just to make this easy, we'll call the girl we ran into spring rofl inside joke!* and she was like "hey spring! me and laura got our haircut!" and i was still coming and spring was like "it looks good!" then i came around the corner and she was like "woah laura you look emo!" rofl. and i was like "not emo scene! scene kids are happy emo kids!" haha so anyway we were talking to her and we were like ok we have to get out of here! i can't breath! so then we were waiting forever and i was like k I'm texting him! and i was like 'where are you guys?! ugh!" and he was like 'were here!' and we all stood up and i was like where is here?! but him and his friend were at the school and they were walking to get us. i ran ahead of the other two and i was like "oh i guess they aren't coming to meet you!" and he was like "who are they?!" and i was like "_________ and oh that's spring" and he was like "oh who are you?" and i was like "i hate you! I'm laura! _____ they don't recognize me!" because the last time he saw me was in december! and this was my first time meeting his friend in person. so then we went back over to the school and me and my friend were wondering if our teacher moved our desks for our new seating plan yet. so we ran through the snow. and i was wet and cold. but that was only the beginning of it! i fell so many more times and i kept saying i was so cold! and people were like "that's why you wear a jacket!" and i was like "NO! my jacket is ugly!!" well anyway we went to hang out on the playground at the school and i fell some more. then my friend tried to push him in the snow but it didn't work. then a few minutes later i did and it actually worked then i ran from him, but he caught me and we had a mini snowball fight but i fell and he gave me a snow job :( but that's ok cause my friend got him to the ground and i gave him one :) so then we were really cold so we got out of the snow and went to the portapacks. holy geese he has amazing blue eyes! Then we went to the store and then we went back to giant tiger, but we got kicked out :( rofl. but it was worth it! then we had to walk all the way up to sobey's and it was like a long walk! then you know stupid me, i forgot to turn and go home rofl. so i walked the whole way just to turn around and go back! well when i did leave i said bye to my friend, his friend and spring then i hugged him just like as a friendly hug.. as far as he had to know rofl. then he asked where i lived and i said "like waay back there haha!" and he was like "woah why did you come this far?" and i was like "uh.. i don't know!" then he was like oh, ok and he hugged me! and i was thinking like OMG!!! this is so sweet! does he like me too?! but like you guys all know what happened last time for thinking that! earlier when we were hanging out at the school my friend was like "i think he likes you!" and i was thinking 'omg i hope so! but wait.. NO I DON'T!!!!' because she likes him too! well the whole time i was on my way home i was thinking like 'omg i like him so much but what about _____?! but with just that hug i know that if he ever asked me out i would say yes! i hope he doesn't like me!!' then when i got home we went out for dinner and god the restaurant that we went to only has like 4 options for vegetarians! but i couldn't even eat. i felt so sick.. but in a good way, you know like butterflies?! well when i got home my friend told me that he likes me and that she's cool with it! and when she told him that i liked him too his smile got so much bigger like :) -> :D and i was so happy!!! omg i like him so much!!! i can't be mad or sad or any other emotion other than happy right now!!!!
so school again on monday huh? i can't wait. i wonder if people won't recognize me! rofl that would be funny! we decided that I'm going to scare small children and our friend! I can't wait!
-xo Laura

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Paul said...

i got my hair cut today..... and i hat it!!! cool blog

laura xo said...

um.. ok thanks..
who are you? :S

beccabrownxo said...

wtf? lol (i think hes hitting on you lol)

laura xo said...

ahh creepy!!

beccabrownxo said...

laura and paul (lol jk jk jk)

Emaleaxo said...

umm creepo! ok yea whatever read the blog dont commet u crazy stalker!