Sunday, March 9, 2008

omg don't tell me how to f*cking feel!

this is not going to be a normal blog of my because it's not going to involve that stupid boy like the rest of them for he is the LAST thing on my mind.
As i type this one of my good friends is missing. No one knows where he is! I am not going to say who it is because none of you even need to know. But I am scared to death right now. My friends told me and i thought they were kidding. But they're not. I was really worried so i saw that in her msn name it said 'pleasebeOKAY(U):( ' so in my name i put ' (u):( ' then one of them told me to take it out of my name so i was like why? and she was like because it's a private issue. and we decided to tell you. bc you have nothing to do with it. and i was like wtf ? he's one of my really good friends. it has something to do with me! so i said to her ok w.e and she was like don't be mad. and i was like don't worry about it! and she was like well i am because you're one of my best friends and you're pissed at me. and i was like well don't. and she was like wtf ? and i was like k w.e and she was like wtf laura, this had like nothing to do with you, but we wanted to tell you. his mom doesnt want it to be public. and i was like k well don't worry about it, it's not in my name anymore. and she was like yea but you're being all pissy at me and you're one of my best friends I don't want you to be mad at me. and i was like k whatever I'm not mad. I was obviously lying but if they didn't realize why i would be mad that they basically said that one of my best friend is missing and it has nothing to do with me especially since i was his friend long before they even knew he existed and that i shouldn't be worried. obviously I'm gonna be fucking mad at you! like holy shit! I swear to god if anything happens to that boy i will never speak to them again!

I love you so much! please be okay! every tear i shed for you is like an eternity of being alone! please come back. please let someone know where you are! And please don't let anything happen to you ..xx♥

-xo Laura

p.s. if you don't understand the seriousness of this blog don't bother commenting, because i don't fucking want to hear it!

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