Wednesday, March 26, 2008

can you just drop it..

ok it's been a while, and a lot has happened. But I'll start off telling you about the title! Ok, so as some of you know, a while ago this creepy, racist, stalker commented on my blog, and me and my friends checked out his blog, and he's a total asshole! read it seriously! ok, so my friend and him have been fighting about eachother and it's kinda stupid! Not for her, she's saying the truth, that he shouldn't write racist stuff on the internet, sure if you want to be an ignorrent asshole whatever, but other people don't give a shit. But he's making shit up about my friend saying that she's racist and that she's a whore and that she's boy crazy. ok, maybe that last one is ture (no offense) but she's a thirteen-year-old girl! it's expected!
Ok, another weird thing happened. Me and my friend that i have been friends with since grade four have kind of.. drifted apart, like neither of us did anything to upset the other, but she has recently been hanging out with this girl that i don't really like, and so i would never hang out with her at school, but i wouldn't tell her that i didn't like her friend because i wouldn't want her to think that she had to ditch that friend to be mine, and i didn't want her to get mad at me because she thought that that was what i meant, because i would NEVER do that to anyone i cared about. And despite anything she might think, i DO care about her. She also said that i changed. I changed what i looked like, but I'm still the same laura. she said i changed my new bestfriends, but because i wasn't hanging out with her anymore. But she said i talk different, but i don't know what she means by that. For the past while me and he haven't been talking, and i guess she was mad at me. maybe i did something.. I told her to get lost and that something wasn't any of her business, but i was pms-ing. i know that that's not an excause, but i was also mad about other stuff, and sure she's annoying at times, but i usually love that about her, but that day i didn't. I don't want to go into detail about why i was mad already, but it was a good reason. today when i got to school i walked right past her, i know, harsh, but i thought she was still mad at me. She made her way into our conversation and we started talking. I was so happy. She's a really good friend and i love her to death. I hope that we can stay friends for a long time. We might not hang out at school, but we still have gifted together. I know that when we get to high school we will be in different cliques, but we will still have the hour long bus ride :) as long as the other girl doesn't go to nhs. I'm sure we won't be as close as we used to be, but we will still be friends. People are changing, and i used to be left in the past, so i know what she's going through. it sucks, but i started to change and catch up to people, and soon she will too. you can't be a little kid forever. i know i hate the word, but everyone has to mature someday. She's a year younger than me, so she might not change for a while yet, but i hope she can understand why I'm changing now. You didn't do anything wrong, everyone's just changing..
ok more stuff that happened. when i started writing this blog, i was going to tell you everything that happened at disney world, but now i don't think it matters. well i will say that i had so much fun! and i found 69 hot guys! (there was 70, but the last one sat near me on the plane and he had a horrible accent, and i saw him for like 2 and a half hours, so i found everything that was wrong with him!)  and that 69 included peter pan! rofl!!
ok i have this girl on msn, and it's not that i hate her or anything, it's just we're not friends or anything, but she talks to me on msn all the time, and she's annoying!! I don't want to be mean to her, but i wish she would just leave me alone!
something else weird happened today. I had fun in gym! and when the teacher was joking with me.. i didn't care. i laughed. she was being nicer and i wasn't in a bad mood towards her. Well anyway, i guess i better wrap this up, so final thought:

Ok, stop making this stuff up and GET OVER IT!
I hope we can just put this in the past. I never want to loose you as a friend♥.
i might tell you guys more about it if you ask :)
Sorry, but you know we're not friends, so I'm not going to tell you everything, and i don't care about grad photos tomorrow lol.
Maybe it's the unit, or because i'm glad about my friend and i talking again or still happy about disney world, but it won't last!
so that's all for today.
-xo Laura

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beccabrownxo said...

r u mad at me ??

laura xo said...

um no..?
why would i be?

Emaleaxo said...

lmao i know who u were talking about in all of those paragraphs. and i think this one i can accutly comment becuase i agree i had fun in gym, people are changing and yeah.. lmao i dunno what to say.

laura xo said...

rofl nice. and you know who on msn?

beccabrownxo said...


laura xo said...

rofl rebecca. and wtf paul?
are you one of those people that back up their dictions with made up statistics?

beccabrownxo said...

lol im random,but paul grow up god!! and i think he is one of thoes people who make up fake statistics to make themselves sound smart ,but obously its not working for him ,lol