Thursday, March 13, 2008

well there's 2 months of wasted time, but i don't care.

oh my god do you know how much easier life is for me right now ?! I don't like my 2 month crush anymore! I asked him a few days ago if he likes me, and he said no, but that's ok, I'm actually ok with that! I decided that it wasn't worth my time anymore. but now i have another crush.
but i know that nothing will ever happen, because i won't let it! I promised my friend that i wouldn't like him. last night was horrible, because i realized that I do like him.. but in respect to her, I'm going to tell her tomorrow night when I'm at her house that I like him, but that i will never let anything happen. I really tried not to! I really didn't want to! I used to really like him. and we liked each other, but nothing ever happened, and i got tired of wasting my time on it, so i told him that something has got to happen or i'm going to stop wasting my time on him. wow sounds familiar huh?! so then we were just friends. And we were really good friends too. I don't know why or how, but my feelings are rekindling slowly, and before i know it I'm going to like him as much as my past crush, i know it! But i will promise her that i won't let anything happen, and i will promise myself the same thing! The hardest part of it all is that I'm going to be hanging out with him, her and two of our other friends. But i can deal!
I had a dream that we were all in a convenience near us and me and him were standing in front of a fridge looking at the energy drinks and i was explaining to him why i couldn't drink monsters cause I'm a vegetarian. and he put his arm around me, and i smiled. then i saw her and one of our other friends come around the corner and i grabbed his hand and took it off my shoulder. he held onto my hand and i looked at him and started crying. he let go of my hand to hug me but i ran. my friend who likes him ran after me. i was sitting on a snow bank and she came up to me. i explained to her what happened and that i like him but i never wanted anything to happen. She forgave me, but she stopped liking me. he asked me out, but i said i couldn't. i didn't tell him why. but it was because of her.
ok, so onto something else. tomorrow I'm getting my hair cut, and so is my friend. Oh My God! we are going to be the only scene kids at our school! This is what I'm thinking of getting! Blonde.jpg scene hair picture by intheblackandwhite
my mom hates it! rofl. But i love it! I think that right after i get it cut I'm going to remind her that grad photos are on march 27th! hahaha! she's gonna kill me! Oh my godd! the 27th is a thursday, so she won't even be home to see my hair teased for the pic! ahahahahahaha!!!! this is amazing! I love my mom, but she will hate this! and i have to do it!
So march break has been pretty boring lately, but it's only a week till I'm in Florida! oh god. you know that rice crispies commercial where you get a Barbie or hot wheels watch?! well we got one. I don't eat cereal, so if it was like a good prize, i wouldn't get it, but since no one else wanted it i have it! hahahaha it's the pink one! oh yea, hot pink! my step brother dared me to wear it everywhere until i get back from Florida! and if someone asks for the time i have to comment on it like saying "ok I'll check my not pink Barbie watch!" or "don't you just love my hot pink Barbie watch?!" rofl. he doesn't think I'll do it! but oh my god it'll be soo funny!
My grad dress came 2 days ago.! it looks really good, but it's too big. we have to get it fitted because my boobs aren't big enough! rofl. it falls down! oh that would be uber embarrassing!
oh my god you will never believe this.. I'm going to start wearing makeup :O !! rofl. just eyeliner, but yea! it will look really good with my hair! :)
I made a new myspace! not that anyone who actually has this also has myspace, but I just wanted to let you know! it's I'm gonna get 3k (3000) and then I'm going to delete it :) hahaha just for kicks! Well I'm out!
-xo Laura

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beccabrownxo said...

laura plz say your crush is not who i think it is! ,she would be crushed

laura xo said...

no. not him rebecca. you don't know him!!

annie-xo said...

wow. purple print. nice.