Monday, June 9, 2008

i know we only met a month ago, but the feelings could be there.

ok, it's been a while, but i've had a lot to figure out that i would have prefurred to keep to myself and a few people, nothing personal. but i've decided to wait until grad to completly move on from my crush. but if nothing happens, i know who i am going to move onto.
it's a boy i met at high school. well i met through one of my frieinds. But we met in person at the grade nine day. i honestly didn't expect him to be to tall.. or hot.! haha. i guess i decided that i might be able to like him this morning. me and steph were on our way to school and i told her thought he was hot, and we started talking about it. and i decided that i would talk to him more, and start to like him. well today i talked to him for a long time, and i am slowly starting to like him. he's so funny, and we are so much alike.
we like the same music, we have the same style, we both suck at french, we're taking the exact same courses next year. it's kinda weird. we were even flirting for a bit. haha and he even said it. i called him hot, and he called me hot then he said something like 'well that was a flirtatious interaction' lmfao. he's so funny.
we're both also vegiterians and support animal rights. we were talking about the horrible things people do to animals, and how we're both signing the potition for the kuntky (SP?) fried cruelty campigne. we talked about everything. grad, the ottawa trip (he already went, and i'm going next week), music, when we met, everything. and i made him feel special cause i called him tall.. well i called him a beast, then said he was like REALLY tall :P . so i just hope i feel the same in the fall, or the feelings rekindle while we go to school together.
-xo Laura


beccabrownxo said...

u 2 seem like a pretty good match ♥

laura xo said...

haha i hope so ;)
i would ask him to grad.. but he lives in newmarket :(

Emaleaxo said...

ok u told me to comment so there i did!

laura xo said...

wow.. thanks..

Anonymous said...


Awh, lucky you! You guys sound really alike. =D I wanna become a vegetarian too. But it seems sorta hard. Blech. Oh well. Oh, and thanks for checking out my blog.

Hit me back!

Aren xo

laura xo said...

it's not that hard when if you are really dedicated and really beleive in it.