Tuesday, February 19, 2008


My gym teacher hates me!!
I don't care if you think that she can't.. But she can 
and she so does!I hate her so much, and I have
since last year when she was my Science teacher. 
She does this thing where she tells us that her class is 
perfect, and how the other class is horrible and how
we're somewhere in the middle and
it's never good enough for her. But then you ask people
in the other class and they say that
she said that her class was perfect, our class is horrible
and their class is in the middle.. like wtf ? She is totally
unbareable. But on top of hating every class but her own
she picks out people who she is going to torment for the
whole year! I'm one of thoes
luckey kids! I can't stand it! I
hate gym. I liked it last year when we had a cool teacher.
But she made it so unfun! When she's picking people to be 
on teams whenever she picks me and one of my friends,
she glares at us! I have told her many times that I hate gym
and I don't like the way she teaches us.. oh I'm sorry, did I
say the way she teaches us? My mistake I ment the way she
screams at us! She's such a bad teacher! Ok, so the reason
I hate her extra today is because we were playing this messed 
up version of Dodge ball and before we started me and my
friends were talking cause she was explaining it to people who
didn't know how to play, but we did. So we were talking about
what happened at our friend's birthday party and she looked
at us and she was like "Laura and *friend's name*, I am sick
of seeing you two talking in my class about what you did on
the weekend. I don't care. Talk at recess!" and I was like "Well
tough I don't care how to play this  stupid game! I'd rather talk
to my friend thanks!" But I said it quietly, not actually intending
for her to hear it, but I thin she did anyway cause she
looked back at me and Glared like she always does! Then when
we were playing european hand-ball (which if you dont already
know, is the most pointless game ever invented!) I was on the
'pinnies' team. And she was just like "ok it doesn't take 20 minutes
to get 6 people and a goalie on pinnies!" even though it was like 20
seconds and people were still getting their pinnies! Then really loudly I
was like "K I'm off!" But I always do! And i looked at her and she
glared like alwaysand I gave her the snottiest look I could. Then 
when she was like "ok subs on!" I was like "do I have to go on?" and
she was like "uh yea!" So i went on and.. well walked around in protest. Then when she was like "ok subs on!" again I was like 
"FNIALLY!" and she was like "ok Laura you're on again!" and I
was like "You're kidding?!" Cause I hate this game and she 
knows it! and she was like "No Laura, I'm not kidding! Just
because you put forward such an effort last time!" and I was like
"oh yea! cause I just LOVE this pointless game!" Then when we
were playing she my friend threw me the ball, which has to stop
cause she always does, and I just pushed it out of the way! Then in the snottiest voice I have ever heard a teacher talk in 
she was like "nice try Laura!" I seriously wanted to take her out!
Then when we were changing I was too mad to say anything other
than "She hates me!" To my friends! I got changed quickly,
but that wasn't a good idea cause I was stuck with her in the hall.
Then in french after recess our class was really loud and un organized.
My friend and I both had our feet up on a chair and we were talking
waiting for everyone else to shut up. Then he yelled "GET TO YOUR SEATS
AND BE QUIET!" Then we both took our feet off the chair and they hit the 
floor at the same time and it was funny so we started to laugh! Then he
glared at us too and we imediatly stopped laughing and we were afraid to 
for like the rest of the period! I seriously suddenly don't get french. I failed my reading assesment and got 50% on a test ! ok So the whole deal with
the guy I like... minnor problem.. The friend who is supposed to help isn't
going to go on the computer for a week!!so like the first day she gets back
on we better do this as per my prommis! on this topic I saw him like 5 million
times today. It really wasn't fun cause my friend is pretty good friends
with him and she was talking to him in the hall like right in front of my locker
cause she was waiting for me and our other friend to go to girls inc. and it
was akward cause I was ready and he was still there, and since he found
out I like him we haven't talked at all! So I just pretended that I was still
getting stuff. And when we left the school he was litterly RIGHT THERE! it
was scarry. Oh also in Literacy, we are reading this book called Pollyanna. But when I was reading I kept replacing the name 
Pollyanna with his name. Then I would have to stop reading for a second and just clear my head, but everytime before I
could I would picture this spasific picture of him.. Then I could go back to work. This happened like 20 times. It was so weird. And last night I had so 
much on my mind that I couldn't get to sleep till like 2 am! I hope that I can sleep tonight!! But I AM going crazy! maybe it's the 
lack of sleep. The fact that I can barley eat anymore! No I'm not annorexic, it's just that when I try to eat if I eat too much (and that's not a 
lot) I feel like I'm going to puke! I don't know what it is.. but there is just
too much stress right now! I think I'm going to crack soon! I hope I don't 
become what I used to be again.. 
-xo Laura


beccabrownxo said...

laura just so you know our gym teacher hates most of us, but i know what you mean , she it a ttl be-otch lol & our french teacher is an idot to if you havent noticed yet , but with the guy thing its happend to me before and i know its werid but you gotta either get over it (i dont want to sound mean srry)or just ask him out thats all you can do see u at school -rebecca
(p.s. good luck with gym)