Monday, February 11, 2008

aww damn guys.. it didn't work..

ok, so i had this whole plan to do today. It's his birthday.. (happy birthday) lol. I decided that we HAD to talk about this. so the convo was gonna go something like this..
Me: Hey, Happy birthday
Him: Thanks
Me: np
Him: so you still like me?
Me: yea.. well for a bit i thought i didn't when *my friend* said you didn't like me. but then
she confussed the hell out of me and said you probably lied to her..

Him: *confesses his true feelings*
here's how it really went..
Me: hey. happy birthday
Him: thx
Me: np
...*convo ends*
haha. ok, so my plan made sence at 11 o'clock last night! lmao. yea i knew it wasn't gonna work,
but w.e. Then
*my friend* tried to get the convo started... it was just me, her and him.. I left.
haha yea ok I'm a chicken. so tomorrow
*hopefully* we'll try this again.. and I won't leave.. but
tonight and tomorrow at school we have to think of what I'm supposed to say! haha. I know, I'm probably way too hapy for this convo right now.. 
but w.e. I'll keep you posted! haha.

oh another side note: Thought you should hear mine and my friend's theorry. you'll laugh. ok so
we're in science and we finished out quiz. and so we're looking at stuff under the microscope. and we have this pink
stuff and she's like "it kinda looks like blood" and I'm like "yea only pink! it's alien blood! They have
aliens in japan and they just discuise them as aliens!" then at they same time we're like "PANDAS!"
and she's like "god damn pandas are aliens!" haha. then we were joking about how smart we are and
how jelous everyone's gonna be when we go right to university! bahaha. good times!!
-xo Laura
p.s. Steph *panda's come a'running* lmfao


laura xo said...

haha oops. they discuise them as animals**

Emaleaxo said...

yea i was gunna say they disguise them as aliens no sense laura!

beccabrownxo said...

nice blog especially how your convo with you know who ended (and im not talking voldemort)see u at school -rebecca