Tuesday, May 27, 2008

moved on, to someone who can really make me happy..

i thought it might be possible when i talked to him at lunch, i thought it might be true when i hung out with him in dvpa, but i knew it for sure when we had a staring contest in the meeting..
that's right everyone, i have another new crush. it started yesterday. This is better, because he actuallt makes me happy, and i can actually talk to him, i can actually hang out with him, and i don't regret letting him know. i really like him, but i still feel bad about ruining my friend's plans. i'm so sorry, and i will always feel guilty until i get over him. but he makes me so happy. it's the first time i have been happy about a
Today we had science first and i talked to him a bit, and at the end apparently i was trying to stand near him, i didn't notice, but my friend did. haha. in gym, we didn't talk cause he had to sit out. but i really had fun in gym. we were playing european handball. it was violent and i got called vicious by my teacher. it was so funny. in computers, again i didn't talk to him cause we have assigned seats and we sit so far away from eachother. at recess we looked at eachother a lot and everytime we did we would just laugh! in french everytime he saw me he would like shout my name, then i would shout his, then that would go on for a while! then once when i left the room when i was coming back he was at his locker and he yelled my name and i yelled his like usual then he was like 'laura.. smells' and i was likee '_____'s.. mean.' and he was like 'i'm not mean!' and i was like 'yea, you think that.'
our principal came in our room all pissed, and he slammed the door, and it swang open and he started yelling at us. it was so hard not to laugh, the second he left a few people including me burst out laughing. then our french teacher was talking to us and he was like 'it's not just the people who are doing it, it's when you laugh and encourage it.' and just as he did that i laughed at something the guy i like did, and the teacher was like 'like that!' and he started yelling at me, and it was hard not to laugh then too! i was in such a good mood cause of all the flirting me and the guy i like were doing !
I like talking to him it's easy because we're friends. but i'm sure what to think about my most recent ex-crush. i mean i'm pretty sure he doesn't know i don't like him anymore. but he's been (as emily said it) "more friendly" today. he scared the shit out of me twice! lmfao, but it was funny. and when i was at my locker after lunch, he walked past and acidently touched my ass. haha. but i started talking to him on msn, and it's not awkward to talk to him. so i'm glad.
but i still don't know if i'm totally over him. i know that i like this new person more, but if what emily said is true, i don't know what i am going to do. so i hope that it's not!
-xo Laura


Emaleaxo said...

more freinds roflmao ( cuz i am on the floor) but omf laura i am really sad and u dont have to be guilty about it i dont care! its alright u can liek him and ruin my plans i need to get over home this summer break will be perfect for me to stop but maybe not the other one :@ but oh well maybe ur last crush will like u and the new wont lol jk jk idc its fine g2g2 bed bye love you ♥

Emaleaxo said...

oops i mean more friendly*!

laura xo said...

lmfao, but the weird thing about my last crush is that when i started talking to him on msn.. i realized i do still like him, just not as much as before, and not as much as my new crush. and why are you sad? cause of me? i'm so sorry. and i know that you care!! i don't want to MAKE you get over him, but GAH! it's hard.. love you too ♥