Monday, September 1, 2008

kay, what was it?

kay, weird thing just happened. SHORTEST TIME LIKING SOMONE EVER! i realized we're too good friends. it's just weird to like him. maybe i just wanted to like someone so bad, and he was the best option.. but the truth is, i never really liked him.. sure he's hot, and nice and funny. but we could never date.. he's too mean to me! haha. but i mean school's tomorrow, so i think i can wait! haha.

so more degrassi stuff. i'm gonna be honest with you, i'm addicted! haha. but ugh! the end of this episode totally shocked me! but i'm not gonna ruin it don't worry haha. but i was watching this stpuid old show, that was actually really funny. it's called ' i was a sixth grade alien ' do you remember it? haha. well it's weird cause like the whole cast was on degrassi! haha.

soo school tomorrow! I'm soo excited to see how people are going to react to my dramatic change haha. see you then!

laura.xx !


beccabrownxo said...

lol ♥ ur hair

laura xo said...

thanks :)

beccabrownxo said...

lmfao juts yell @ me for some otehr reason and i can pretend its about him XD

Wizardry said...

Where in Canada do you guys live? Because I swear to god, I'm about to cut and run right now. I'm packing up shit right now, and I'm going to call my friend, we're going to the bank, I'm going to empty my account, and I'm never coming back.

Sarah said...

you use haha a lot. so, i didn't see the dramatic change or anything,could you post a pic??
hit bakc

Wizardry said...

OH MY GOD. I have yet to see the "dreaded friend zone" from a girl's point of view. Guys will like girls, but a general rule of thumb is don't veil the fact that you like them, because if you try to be their friend first, "i realized we're too good friends. it's just weird to like him."

Yeah, I suppose I would suffer this pitfall with most people i know, but the fact of the matter is, since that girl tore out my beating heart two years ago, I haven't thought about anyone romantically. Its not like I don't want to, I've just never had the inclination.