Sunday, June 29, 2008

it was my night of 100 wishes.. too bad without you, only 99 came true..

tuesday night was grad. it was amazing. everyone was nice to eachother. even to arden! well, everyone but me.. but i was mean in a nice way :P a lot of stuff happened, mostly happy, one person, thanks to the help of some of her friends, came to a suden realization about her (hopefully ex) crush. another person showed her real colours, that no one seemed to notice until ottawa, but it became really clear at the grad dance. i on the other hand had an amazing time, just missing one thing. one person. but i think that i'll get to my crush later on. right now i need to talk about the girl who showed her true colours.
we all thought that this girl was true blue, calm, understanding, rational, kind. but since she has ditched her ex best friends, she has been much more of a orange, signifying over confidence. she seems to think that just because she's hanging out with different people ALL THE TIME, that she's so popular and so irisistable. when the truth is, she's the same girl, just a lot snottier. she seemed to think that just because someone talked to her that he was flirting. it's liike she suddenly thinks that everyone should be in love with her, and that she can get who ever she wants. but i'm sorry, it's not true. i don't mean to offend you if you happen to read this, but you are the same person as you were last month, just a lot more like arden.

so this year i have a summer to-do list that i will keep updated on my blogs until the first day of school in september.

• Get & stay fit: when i first became a vegi i lost weight, but i'm starting to think that i have put it back on, and it's not like just to be skinny, i want to be fit, because in high school i want to do some sports. i have tried this before, but i always like workout one week, then eat a whole bunch of junk food and it's all wasted time.
• Read more: i really do like to read, but i need to find some more intrestiing books, and make some time to read more.
• Make a summer reading list: pretty self explanitory.
• Get more active: it kind of goes hand and hand with getting and staying fit, but like last summer i spent most of my time sitting on my ass. and it was really no fun at all.
• Make a mends with people i have had fall-outs with: chances are, i am not going to see a lot of the people i graduated with again, as much as i say i would like to. there's no point in keeping things kept inside about this stuff, so i'm going to just let them know.
• Make the last childhood summer last: i just graduated, so this has to be my best summer! plus once the school year starts, it's going to be hard to hang out with a lot of my friends. so i have to make the time we have count!
• Convice my mother that we're not a real family: as i'm sure you know, i don't like my family at all! and my mother is trying to enforce this rule so that once a week we have a family dinner, like all of us.. at the same time.. in the same room.. we're not that kind of people, and we ususally just make dinner for ourselves, and eat where ever, whenever. sometimes we don't even have dinner. and we're all happy with going days without seeing eachother.
• Go to a concert: this one is probably a long shot, but i really want to go to a concert, and like i was supposed to last summer, but i couldn't, so i want to this summer :D
• Get a job: ok so i was already offered a job, that i really didn't want, so i turned them down, but i do want a job this summer, just so like i can go to the mall and stuff whenever i want. now that one of my friends lives in newmarket, and i already had some friends there, plus my crush.. i'm going to hopefully spend a lot of time there.
• Don't give into any temptation: this one is pretty general. i have to stay strong, no cheating on working out unless i have a good enough excause for myself, no opting out of my reading list, no holding back on what i want to tell people, no holding back on the fun i want to have this summer, no giving into my mother (like that one could happen, i'm the most minipulative daughter ever), no avoiding jobs for no reason, and no summer flings (ahaha sorry, had to add that one)

So now that you know how i am planning on doing this summer, on to what has already happened. so grad was amazing, but his absence made it only good. if it wasn't for his douch bag brother he could have come. i called and he said he wasn't home, and if his brother had actually let me talk to him, the girl who did my hair, make up and dress alterations would have picked him up! i hate his brother, he's a fag! but it's ok, because he is so sweet, he made up for his brother :P. he is always saying things that just make my heart race, and i can never stay mad at him. i was mad at him because we were supposed to hang out at the mall yesterday, but his family instead made him go to carolina, i know stupid reason to be mad, but i was upset at the time. well when i went on msn i saw his personal message 'the absence of you made a great night only good♥' i melted, and i couldn't stay mad at him.
on facebook we have this thing, where we make graffiti for eachother, and it's always pretty corny, but cutee. well he made this 'lame ass appology' and it was yhe sweetest thing anyone has ever written for me. ok this is what it said 'sorry, i really really want to see you. it just sucks that something always comes up! I really do want to be with you... i'm thinking about you more and more... and do you know what happens every time i think of you!... I want up to be together.. I'm just not ready yet... I have a lot to give<3>' it's so sweet. and the best part about it is that there's no pressure on me to ask him out. so ha guys! ha!
But seriously, i can wait, because the truth is, he's worth it, plus i'm not really sure i'm as ready as i could be either..
Laura.xx !


ellie said...

Good luck on that summer list. Thats a lot to take in, but its a good one. I'm sure you'll keep up with a lot on that list.

I so wanted to enjoy THE HOST but couldn't get into it. I did like THE GIRL WITHOUT A SHADOW. Always good to dive into those books you've already too. I think I could read THE OUTSIDERS again and again. Of course, I feel the same way about Melvin Burgess' DOING IT.

Wizardry said...

Why am I such an ego maniac? Why can I only care about something that has to do with me? I've been dead, for a while, but hopefully I'm coming back. Wicked.

laura xo said...

um.. not sure what you mean by being an ego maniac, but glad to see that you're back. :D

annie-xo said...

the possibility of fireflies - stephanie liked it.