Thursday, January 31, 2008

todays news.

Today was really fun. Me and some of my friends went to the together we're better confrience. We woke up at 6 am and my friend and I walked to school at 6:45. We were the first people there and the only other person there was a janitor :S. It was like a horror movie! haha well after that we got on the bus and the ride was like an hour. ahaha it was really funny. We listened to music and talked the whole time. When we got there me and my friend spent most of the time looking for a hottie lmao. When we found one we soon realised that he was someone we knew :S. The first workshop we went to there was a hottie in my group. haha. Then we had a speaker who talked to us for a bit, then  at the end he told us that we were going to feel the same after this. At lunch everyone signed our t shirts. Our second workshop was cancled so we had to pick one we wanted to go to, so we went with our friend. There was another hottie in there! The person leading it told us to pick someone that we don't know. Then she told us to get up and introduce ourselves and guess what their favourite food was. I picked the hot guy and I guessed he liked pizza. He guessed I liked maceroni, even though i kinda hate it lol. My friend picked his friend and we all became friends. After that we had another speaker who told us a story about a goat. lmao. ok so it wasn't REALLY about a goat, but it was my favourite part of the story. haha. Then my friend and I wanted to get our shirts signed by her. But we lost the people from out schoool :S. On the way back we basically did the same thing. It was really fun. But on the way home from school  I think the guy I like... or liked... I'm not sure yet... said something to me, but i was listening to my music loudly and i didn't hear him, I just heard him say ok when the song ended. So I'm kinda worried.... Well I guess that's all for now.
-xo Laura

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

having fun at school :o

Today was alright I guess. It was so cold that first recess that we had an indoor. It was pretty funny. My friends and I were playing arround in the hall and one friend pushed the guy i like into one of my bestfriends. lmfao apparently he has a hard chin and really hurt her sholder. In math we had a test but it was easy. Then at luch it was still really cold so at first we didn't go outside. At the begining my friend and I were going to the washroom and she pushed me into the guy I like and then we tripped over eachother and the principal yelled at us. It was hilarious! Then when we came out of the bathroom he was right there and we almost screamed! Then we hung out in our class and got yelled at for sitting on the tables. Two of my friends were throwing a yearbook at eachother for a while. I don't really know why. Then when we went outside we hung out with a 
bunch of people. Including my crush. It was pretty funny. 
Today I aslo found out that he doesn't like me back, but 
that's not a big deal. I didn't think he did anyway. But 
people keep trying to sypathise for me, but I don't 
really care about it! Tomorrow is the together we're better 
confrence. we're going to have a lot of fun... i hope.. but 
I have to work with this chick I can't stand. But I'll 
get over it. I guess that's about it. See you later.
-xo Laura♥

Tuesday, January 29, 2008


My life could be a soap opra. seriously. last week two poular girls came up to me and my friends and told me that the guy I like, likes me. I thought it might be a good idea to let my friends tell them that i like him too. Well i changed my mind really fast. I told them not to, but one still did. And really loudly. I knew that it was only a matter of time until the whole school knew, so i was pissed. The next day my friend told me that she was going to ask him if he likes me or if they were lying. I didn't want her to, I even told her that if she did I would disown her as a friend. But she did anyway. I was devistated and avoided both her and the guy i like for almost a week. Last night I found out that he knows that I like him, but I don't know if he likes me too, but now at least I know that he knows. I'm kind of releived. But still really curious..
Well I guess that's all I have to say for now..
-xo Laura♥