Thursday, October 9, 2008

emotions aren't like board games, so stop playing with mine!

well well well, hasn't it been for-fucking-ever?! so high school is fun. but god! complication much?!

i'll be breif but start from the begining; there is this really hot guy in my math class who i liked, then he got a girlfriend and i got over him pretty fast and started liking this other guy, who, as it tured out, liked me too. so at the dance he asked me to dance in the third slow song. then i had to go before the next one. so we talked a lot on msn and stuff, but we are both really shy. and then a week or so later he thought i stopped liking me at the same time i thought he stopped liking me, but with the help of two of our friends we got that straightened out. but now it seems like that again, and i told one of my friends that i was worried and he said that he told him that he was 'iffy' about it! is it because he doesn't think i still like him? because i do, and both the people who are helping know that! god what does 'iffy' even mean?! i wish it was as simple as yes or no! none of this in the middle shit! i like him. simple as that. i like him a lot! so i told my other friend who's helping what he said and she said that she was going to talk to him tomorrow, so i guess it might get straightened out? maybe not for the best though... but all we can do is hope. i was going to ask him myself today, but right when i got the guts to he signed off :( and of course i can't ask him in person. because i'm a coward. so i don't know what to do anymore...
lauraa.xx !